Donkeys or Leeches?

This is a politcally incorrect essay.....especially since I'm White focusing on Black issues......oh well, just know that I realize their is a bigger picture to what I've written.....My focus is just that many Blacks should at least consider leaving the Democrat Party.

It’s been since Kennedy that African-Americans have been glued to the Democratic Party. This relationship is like a bad marriage. The honeymoon is over and ended in the 70s.

Ya' know, a marriage should be a companionship where each spouse is able to share their love in a give-and-take relationship. The Democratic Party is like the husband on the recliner waiting for his wife to bring him the newspaper, his remote control, a nice cold beer, and expecting a foot massage……….in the meantime, taking his wife for granted and giving nothing back in return.

What have the Democrats done for Blacks lately?

The Democratic Party should be exposed for capitalizing on the misfortune and dysfunctions of those they “represent.” By exploiting the crises the poor face, they promote “entitlements” and ignore the prospects of self-sufficiency or the hope of a better future. Kind of sounds like leeches thriving on the bleeding wounded doesn’t it?

What have these entitlements produced…..hard to say exactly, but 70% of African-American children are born out of wedlock—their daddies have been replaced by the welfare check apparently.

The low expectations the Democrats place on Blacks is pure and simple bigotry. It’s wrong, it’s conceited, it is why affirmative action is wrong……..let’s stop undermining people’s vast potential! Let’s start giving people a hand and not a hand-out!

I don't think it will be long until more Blacks join the Republican Party. Let's face it--the majority of Blacks are already social conservatives (abortion, gay marriage). It can't be long.

Next short essay will be on our flawed Welfare system.


  1. Josh said...
    I'm just agog, James. I don't even know where to begin.

    I'm afraid if you are waiting for a mass exodus of African Americans from the Democratic Party to the Conservatives, you will be waiting a long, LONG time.

    Like a cold day in Texas.

    Here are just a few reasons why that is a laughable idea.

    Immigration. You know, keep the brown people out.

    Hurricane Katrina and brilliant quotes like this one from the first lady:

    "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."

    George Allen.

    Trent Lott.

    Strom (He's dead and he's still pissing off african-americans)

    Ideas like "Affirmative Action is actually hurting you!" Yea, African Americans LOVE to hear that one! Try explaining that there is no real racism left in America and what's left is because of hand-feeding from Democrats. That's a great way to get soemone to laugh in your face.

    Where else but the republican party could you find brilliant thoughts like this?

    “…You could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” -Bill Bennett

    Political Racism isn't really such a mindset or predispotion to appoint someone of a certain color but rather, it is an institutional heritage that places certain ethnic groups below others.

    The truth is, James, you betray your hand by saying that if blacks payed more attention they would obviously be Republicans! But that assumption begs the question. Are you assuming that African Americans are not smart enough to choose what is in their best interest? Don't you think that they, not some white guy from Utah, are able to decide what party represents them better? Your assumption, is in itself, racist.

    There is a simple reason African Americans are generally more democratic. African Americans, in fact, have the ability to choose what party serves their interest better. Assuming that they are just being mislead and don't know better is a racist assumption. They know what party has a tradition of racism. Democrats don't sit around talking about how Black people will be joining their party because its the smart thing to do and how they serve their interests better.

    The tenants of the democrats are simply more appealing to the majority of African Americans who are still concerned about equality. Conservatives appear to be more racist. It's just that simple.

    No amount of conservative double-speak (they don't need handouts, they need a helping hand!) is going to change that. The more conservatives spout, the more racist they seem.
    Josh said...
    Former black Republican representative J.C. Watts' father’s statement "A black person voting Republican makes about as much sense as a 'chicken voting for Colonel Sanders" captures the sentiment of many Blacks.

    From Wikipedia article on Black Conservatism.
    James said...
    Josh, I appreciate your comments...please read what I have to say.

    It's funny how different we are politically (and how you're STILL one of my best friends)........I'm telling you--If I ever get better at explaining myself, please consider doing a talk show with me.

    What happens when a black person admits he is Republican? He is ostracized. It's not that he isn't smart...just doesn't want to abandone his people.......

    There is heavy pressure for Blacks to be'd be interested to look up the statistics of the younger college age generation of Blacks and the Republican party--they are on the rise.

    See, most of the older generation is still holding on to the Kennedy party.

    You'd be interested to see how millions of Black people (between 1-2 million) are thriving since welfare reform in 1999.

    You cannot deny the low expectations the Democrats have on the Black population. To add some credence read about Lynn Swann, Collin Powell and even some of Bill Cosby's statements.

    Come to think of about Reid's statement about Clarence Thomas.....perhaps Reid wants Black people to stay down low so they will continue to vote for his party.

    Katrina was a pathetic disaster. The administration did a lousy job, the govenment of New Orleans and Louisiana did a bad job, AND the non-self-sufficient people of New Orleans did a horrible job. I have been through 2 hurricanes (weak hurricanes) but I still have some observations. I was pissed. I got in a line once to get water and supplies. People were rude and belligerent while waiting for the if it was the governments responsibility to take care of their every need. They didn't even so much as say thank you. That's the kind of society we are raising. I went in line just to make sure that we had EXTRA...these people were in line because they didn't pay attention to the radio, the news, the government fliers, their friends, the boarded up windows....for crap's sakes--they could of at least filled their bathtubs up with water.....milk jugs anything.

    Yes their is racism in the Republican party--but in no way is it a collective view.

    Their IS racism among the Democrats as well. It's subtle, but more potent.
    James said...
    Oh, and why in liberal places like Fort Lauderdale, San Fransisco, and all around the US are home prices going through the roof? Are they not interested in getting the poor out of their slummy neighborhoods and despicable apartments?.....well, it would mean less votes.
    James said...
    cold is a subjective term......50 degrees could be considered cold for Texans. Ha! At last an argument you can in no way claim a victory......take that!
    James said...
    affirmative action is a buzz word for you I feel....I'm going to keep it out of my future arguments. I remember you once saying that I'm still in dental school and shouldn't be complaining....maybe you said whining...crying? Well, whatever it was, you likened it to your son sharing with other kids, 'cause he doesn't always have to get his way.

    Those are both good arguments.

    He's a couple for you.

    What if your son worked hard in the lawn all day because you promised him a your other son lied out in the sun and took a nap and was promised the same thing.

    You give the deserving son the popsicle and other son starts crying for a popsicle too. Would it make sense to make the hardworking son give up his popsicle? Maybe it would for some....but I guarantee the napping son learned a valuable lesson--he can get away with lying out in the son. I don't care if the napping son is white, black, or purple.....reinforcing laziness can condition ANYBODY.

    What if you didn't give a popsicle to the napping boy. Do you think it could motivate him to earn that popsicle?

    About me not having a right to complain about affirmative action because I am in dental is an argument.

    There's this guy Ali, who has better people skills than I'll ever acquire. There's this girl Ping, who is the smartest in our class. There's this guy name Javier, who is the hardest working guy in our class. There's also a nonwhite girl in my class who doesn't know the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis after 4 semesters of periodontology.

    I give these examples because, while many minorities in my class will be better dentists than me, I will still make more money than them. Is it because I'm a white male....yes. Is it because of racism?.....I don't think so. I think it is a result of affirmative action. There is this stigma and stereotype that white males are the only people who legitimately make it into dental school.

    About the girl who doesn't know the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis......that's the other problem with affirmative action. I wouldn't let her near my mouth with a ten foot pole. She's going to graduate of would be a civil rights issue if people like her didn't.
    James said...
    I'm American....I can say whatever the heck I want. Bill Bennett can say whatever the heck he wants. Bill Maher, Coulter, Garofalo, Jackson..........whatever they want.

    I don't care if you thnk I'm racist for being honest. Truth is, I don't think I'm racist (how dare I treat Blacks as other human beings and not some special project). And I guess I should shut up about black issues cause I'm white....a white guy who pays taxes and who lives in one of the highest crime-rate places on earth.

    If this country wasn't so dang politically correct, we'd get to the meat of the problems more often and a lot quicker.

    Here's a question: while that was seriously stupid to say.....what did Bennett say that was false? I don't know what his point was......maybe it was all the fatherless children or the welfare cycle through generations. I don't know. A truly ugly statement, but I wonder if it sparked conversation.

    What did Maher say that was false about "if Cheney died, less Americans would die?" An ugly truth, but still truth. Granted, if Cheney died, more Muslims or Kurds would die--he forgot to mention that.

    I refuse to sugar coat things. If you said the world would be more democrat if I died..that would suck, but at least you'd be honest.

    If you want to support our insane welfare programs as it is now (or worse, support added welfare in the future)--fine. Just know that it keeps people in the slums, increases drugs, increases violence, and stagnates the economy.
    James said...
    Don't forget I have compassion for the poor. I shared a room with 4 brothers and sister you might remember (my bed was shared with 2 brothers).........People with minimum wage jobs and added welfare benefits could make more money than my dad did in 80s and 90s. So, what in anyone's right mind would convince ANYONE in that circumstance to want to make more than minimum wage??????????
    James said...
    How many Blacks DO want to keep illegal immigrants out?

    Who is hurting the most from the influx of illegals? Whose jobs are the illegals taking? The answers might be ugly and politically incorrect......but they need answering.

    I think keeping the brown people out is a weak argument.
    James said...
    I'm not awaiting a mass exodus. We are talking about 90% Josh......I'd be happy if that number was brought down to 80%.

    Tell me, how many Americans even know what issues separate the parties.......I bet a lot of Blacks are no exception. I think that if more people actually looked at what it means to be Republican, the 90% democrat following would inevitably shrink.
    Josh said...
    It's true James. Sometimes I just can't understand where you are coming from on some issues. But, you are one of my dearest friends. Who knows, maybe we'll rub off on one another!

    Granted, there are so many people who are politically ignorant in this country. They bark their ignarance at you any chance they get but, do they vote? Do they have any idea what is really going on?

    I think the same thing about members of the church (you will disagree with the conclusion but perhaps understand the concept). I think that many members of the church are republicans by default. They think they are supposed to be, when in fact, in my opinion, there is much in Democratic policies and tenants that lends itself to acceptance by Mormons. I have thought, "If only they thought about it more." I'm probably wrong but I agree with the premise you make.

    Maybe you're right. Maybe more African Americans will join the republicans, I can see that happening. But, I don't see it happening in big numbers unless there are big changes.

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