Romney is definatley not afraid to take on the leading Dems.
Just notice how scattered Obama's comments are compared to Romney's precise and clear answer and stance on this issue.

Must be good to have a clue...

GOP Rankings

This is what the National Journal had to say about the state of things:

They are putting Thompson behind Mitt for good reason. And Mitt is tied with Rudy for good reason.

The rankings are not consistent with the polls........because the truth of the matter is Mitt's a brilliant strategist with charisma. He is someone who will fight big government, big spending, and will fight for family values.......that message is connecting with a lot of people.

While the video lacks a plan, I'm pleased that my candidate is the first to put out an ad addressing the moral decline of our nation..........Mitt is a true family man who has our children's well-being as a concern.

It's been a while, but I thought I'd share this story with you guys. It looks like Romney is shaping up to be a flash in the pan, as expected. A shocking amount of Republicans could care less for all of the front runners and put Mitt at the bottom of the list. You can read the story here.

To make matters worse, an actor who hasn't officially announced that he his running has pulled WAY ahead of the stormin' Mormon. I guess deep pockets and perfect hair can only get you so far.


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