People better go to jail for this..........

Am I truly old-fashioned enough to be disgusted by this ad? Apparently this is some kind of game?

He has resorted to making fun of Mitt Romney regarding:
-Sesame Street
-Binders full of women
-Boats that allow planes to land on them

He has called Romney a Bullshitter (imagine Mitt saying that about Obama...the election would be over). Admittingly, my dislike for Barack has escalated over the past few months, but I about popped a vein over this image.

What a childish president we have. Can we please get a grownup in the White House? To see the Presidency so diminished.....


I miss posting stuff..........think I'm going to make it a weekend tradition. More to come.

So the latest and greatest from Obama's Administration specifically from DHS is that illegal immigrants who are awaiting trial for illegally entering the country, will be housed in nursing homes, hotels and assisted living facilities. Essentially they want to turn these facilities into detention centers. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! So not only are we going to reduce nursing home funding by $100 billion dollars, but now I have to take care of illegal immigrants for illegally entering MY COUNTRY?

Can anyone help me with this one? I am floored by this. I don't really even know if I have the energy to state all the reasons why this is fundamentally wrong. But, I guess Obama is "fundamentally changing America." Not sure why it needs fundamental change. I think it was pretty good to begin with. Oh wait, it was the best country in the history of the planet! Shortly, we are going to lose it....

I'm still willing to believe in global warming, but not until we have further proof.

I believe that we have to respect our planet and reduce pollution, but I don't appreciate the false facts I've been given.

--Antartica's ice is actually growing, despite LOCAL reductions in ice (the famous peninsula)
--Iceland's glaciers are growing
--Greenland's reduction in ice are consistent with cyclic events recorded in the layered ice.
--Rural areas across the board are showing consistent average temperatures over the past 150 years.
--There seems to be a LOCAL warming effect of metropolitan areas (explanations have included heat-emitting huge cement buildings, people, exhaust....etc).
--As CO2 and heat increase, plants are happy and grow helping to offset carbon gases.

I now believe that global warming is used for political purposes. Fear is a powerful vehicle for policies to be made (see Patriot Act).

Let's focus on things we know for a fact are hurting our environment:

--Over-fertilization of our crops (algae/protozoan tides--kills fish, not good)
--Burning coal for electricity (acid rain, radioactive waste....yes the black leftover crap is radioactive and we use it to pave our roads).
--You get the idea

I am all for getting us off of oil, but that doesn't have to cripple our economy. I'm anxiously awaiting a government that believes innovation can actually boost our economy.

I love nuclear power, that would solve so much by preserving natural resources and reducing pollution. After visiting Palm Springs, I can never support use of Wind--extremely inefficient as it takes up miles and miles of land and is worthless when there's no wind. I dislike large-scale solar power as well--right now, you'd basically have to cover the state of New Mexico to light up Las Vegas (how is that being considerate to the environment?).

Whether you like Mitt Romney's plan or not, Massachusetts has proven that a state can take care of itself regarding healthcare.

A one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare shoved down our throats is borderline tyranny (especially if the senate uses the "nuclear option"). There isn't a redstate in the Union that wants to swallow the Dems' plan.

I'm tired of Republicans/Libertarians knocking Romney's plan because of government mandates...........they should use Mitt's example of reform with great zeal--I can't find a more perfect example of a state taking initiative....why should we care what Massachusetts' citizens want? We don't need to federalize healthcare--we should avoid doing so at any cost or the eventual price may choke our economy into oblivion (or at least into Europe of the New World).

If states decide their own reform, healthcare will more closely match their citizens' needs and reform will be easier to amend and modify.

Keep the feds out of this one.

Uhh...........what has he done? He was nominated after 2 weeks (that was the deadline for nominations) after the election.

Personally, I'd rather hear about him raising the morale of our soldiers in Afghanistan. Does he even know there's a war going on?

Thanks to Mr. Obama, we are closer to socialism than ever before. Granted, George Bush helped add to the biggest government in the nations history. At least it took him 4 years to do it. Obama has TRIPLED the size of government on only 7 months. At that pace, he will have expanded the government by 24 TIMES at the end of his first (and hopefully only) term. I don't care what Bush did, what Obama has done to this point is unbelievable.

I am proud of the American people that they have spoken their mind in this recent healthcare debate. And today, Congress voted down the "public or government run option" Obama so desperately wanted to pass. Without that he doesn't really have much of a platform to stand on moving forward, according to him and Biden. I work in the healthcare industry. With the proposed changes, my industry stands to loose nearly 50 billion dollars over the next 7 years. Because of that, my nursing home alone will have to operate with over 1 million fewer dollars a year. Essentially that means I would have to cut my staff in half to be able to just stay in business over that time frame. Most HEALTHCARE, not insurance, companies operate on razor thin margins. I am lucky to have a profit margin of 5%-10% monthly. Believe me, my expenses are as bare as they can be. Let's just say, Obama will effectively cripple the Long Term care industry. I wonder where he will live when his Alzheimer's disease requires his residence be in a nursing home...Just ask yourself that Barack.

Cap and Trade will also decimate our economy. So far, NO GREEN JOBS have been created as promised by the B. Hussein Administration. Not only that but the estimated cost for each American family would be almost $2000 extra a year. For a country already strapped for cash, it really doesn't seem that this is the best case scenario. McCain really didn't help this cause either. He would've probably been worse for us than Obama has been. That doesn't mean America has chosen the best of two evils, they just chose the more obvious one in Obama.

Don't let up America. Understand that what we do today will dictate how our children will determine their well being in the future. It is imperative we stand for our principles and morals. Don't let Obama take them away from us, because he sure is trying...

It's Time

Ok Everybody. It is time to re-start the antics of this blog. I sorely miss our bantering back and forth. I am giving everyone a subtle shove in the blog direction. Josh, I promise not to be too offended with your left wingness :) Staff, let's hear the good stuff. Kent, Sueann, anyone else keeping occasional tabs on this blog, it is time to re-engage and let the good times roll. By mid-week, I will have posted something hopefully thought provoking enough to stimulate some kind-of response. I'm sure their are a few things that warrant a conversation out there. Let's hear it...


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