Maybe this is why we don't have fair and balanced media.......

All she did was ask questions. I don't feel that she was manipulating the masses or misleading the nation.

I've watched it a couple of times.........I thought she was very professional.......there was no way of knowing who she was going to vote for. Was there?

Let me know if I am blind and deaf. My beef with anchors nowadays, is that I'm able to tell who they are supporting. I don't mind questions, just hate the added opinions.

Haven't had anything of legitimate worth to say for a while.

Politics has become downright annoying.......everywhere I look, listen and feel; It is unavoidable. I'm in Obamaville FL, so it is really annoying. Got accused of being a racist the other day by a student.....apparently, I need to vote for Obama to avoid the name calling. Interesting how her only method of convincing me to vote for Obama was that we can't have another Republican in the White House.....she got annoyed with me when I asked her what Obama would do to make things better--I was willing to listen to her reasoning.

I guess that's what's bothering me the most.....ignorance. People don't know why they're Democrat around here.......they just know they don't like Bush.

I'm annoyed that the campaigns have literally spent over a billion dollars this year.......pretty sickening considering the financial mess we find ourselves in. I have a proposal for campaign finance reform--here it is:
Politicians aren't allowed to raise money. Let grassroots, responsible media, and the candidate's merits, hard work, and vision be what fuels a campaign. Not likely, right?

Obama's campaign ads are aired more frequently (8:1) than McCain's here in feels more like 10:1 odds. Is that how we base who should be the next president? The man who has the most commercials? Commercials that, I might add, are non-substantial, barely factual (if not outright lies), and downright manipulative. Mr. Powell has said that he is switching teams because of McCain's campaign he listening to the same crap I'm listening to? Does anyone really think that Obama has run a clean campaign? The double standard is astounding.

I was willing to give Palin a chance, but she is just a horrible pick for VP. McCain should be ashamed of himself. Either he didn't do enough research on her, or he thought Americans were just as dumb as I think they are.......unfortunately/fortunately, the media has exposed her as a weak candidate--at best.
When most people get their news from SNL, Colbert, and Stewart, it sure doesn't help McCain's cause having a clown as his running mate.

Obama is going to be our next president........we're just going to have to get used to the idea. I don't even think the votes will be close. I think it will be landslide victory.

.........And I'm scared to death........but at the same time, if McCain/Palin is the best the Republican party can come up with--they deserve to lose.......if anything, to learn from their mistakes and be more careful and less anti-Mormon in the future. Our country needs the Republican may be our last stand against socialism.

"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."


I think this is pretty telling. If I ever hear anyone else say again that there is not a bias towards the right in the media, I will play them this video. It was absolutely brutal. I admire McCain for confronting Letterman and holding tough. Though it was very apparent that Letterman had set up McCain.

Compare this video to Biden on Leno. It is absolutely a night and day difference. It is so obvious it isn't even funny.


I'm not a McCain fan, but man I wish I was marching with them.


Wait a second, I thought Obama just had the support of Ayers, Wright, and ACORN? It looks as if he is being proposed as the new Messiah from Farrakhan. This has to scare you. It really does me.

A known Islam radical extremist is promoting Obama. Now, this is not specifically an accusation that Obama has ties or relations with Farrakhan, but if I had a guy like this supporting me, he would be one of the first supporters denounced by my campaign. Help me out with this one guys...

WASH TIMES Friday: Obama secretly tried to sway Iraqi government to ignore Bush deal on keeping troops in Iraq... Developing...

The Drudge Report

Click the picture to read an interesting article.....not sure how this effects anything, but Obama has proclaimed that his executive experience comes from running a campaign......this reporter isn't terribly fond of Obama's "executive experience"--citing examples of chaos, improvisation, and mistreatment.


This one is long. But since know so little about Sen. McCain it gives a good insight into his judgment and role as a leader.

Who is the real John McCain. Will the real Maverick please stand up?

Maybe he is the Messiah.........this is a religious movement if I ever saw one. I'm weirded out. Parents should should feel nuts for having their kids do this. I understand Obama had nothing to do with this.

Thrilla from Wasilla takes on Jabber Jaw Joe.

How's it going to go down?

The bar is set so low for Palin that showing up conscious is going to pull things in her favor. While there is an incredible potential for her to make Quayle look like JFK I personally anticipate she will do fine. She won't make a lick of sense but it won't matter. Biden will bore us all to tears. Palin will win.

But, I sure hope I'm wrong. I would love for more Palinisms. When it comes to substance, she makes GW look eloquent.


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