I stand corrected, by fighting the terrorist abroad--we have not kept war from our shores.


  1. Josh said...
    I take issue with your conclusion. I believe that what we have done in Iraq has created more terrorism, creating the perfect soil for it to bloom and haunt us for years down the road.

    We have spent four years, billions of dollars, and thousands of American soldiers lives to get Saddam hanged. Meanwhile, the real terrorists are running free in Pakistan or setting up camp in Iraq.

    I think the whole 'support our troops' is a partisan ploy. Republicans play it to drum up support and Democrats are trying to make it work for them. It's baloney.

    Everyone supports the troops (Republicans say they do because they won't cut funding, Democrats say they do because they want to bring them home) but when you get down to semantics you can use flag-waving to get people behind you- no matter what side you are on.

    I'm tired of the 'you're not supporting our troops' that both sides use against each other because it uses an emotional appeal to skirt the real issues. I wish both parties would shut-up about it and do something to make a difference.
    James said...
    Partisan ploy or not.....there's many people who don't want to "win" the war.

    A lot of that "you don't support the troops" talk is unfair and I know it is. It stems from a lot of things though:

    Senators comparing our troops to terrorists, articles in the Washington Post saying we give our troops too many luxuries, liberal-sympathy for terrorists'rights, senators implying our soldiers are uneducated, and the media withholding the "victories" from the general public.

    Many of us think that by leaving Iraq too soon, wouldn't only make the prior soldier deaths vain, but would inevitably require more troops down the road to clean up a bigger mess. Are the liberals setting us up for failure when there is still a reasonable hope for success in Iraq?
    James said...
    I think both sides are trying to make a difference.......they're just trying to do it without compromise.

    I don't like the war being used in partisan politics.......that's heading down Viet Nam road.

    By reasonable success.....I'm using the word "success" very liberally.

    I'm telling you right talk to the troops--they WANT to win. They just feel like the nation and government are not fully behind them. So, you're right, we need to just shut up and do something to help these guys.

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