"In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote. The survey of 1,022 adults, including 959 registered voters, has a margin of error of +/— 3 points for both samples."

--Susan Page, USA Today


  1. James said...
    I'm confused at how close the race is--even more confused that McCain is leading in most of the polls. Who would've thunk, eh?

    McCain is even leading in the projected electoral college (well, regarding the predictable states......there's plenty of battleground states left).

    I don't care too much, but I can't resist getting a chuckle at Hollywood's expense. I think they might actually be hurting Obama's campaign.

    I feel bad for Obama's slip of the tongue about his "muslim faith"....the blogosphere is going wild with it.

    Make sure to watch Obama on the O'Reilly Factor.....it should be entertaining. My guess is that you are going to find that O'Reilly is more fair than a bunch of those guys at NBC though......especially that Olbermann guy. I am in no way saying that Fox is fair and balanced......generally, I think journalism is dead in America.
    Josh said...
    The poll numbers are not a big surprise. There is always a bounce after the conventions. It will even out again. But who knows how it will end. One can only hope that there is a little bit of sense left in America. Who knows. We as Americans have shown a great ability to do stupid things. The past 8 years prove that.

    Oh yea. O'Reilly fair?


    You'd enjoy this study where they analyzed who used propaganda techniques the most. No surprise, O'Reilly was the winner.

    Fascists for O'Reilly!

    See here:

    Hey, I heard my neighbor has a cavity. That means that dentistry in America is dead.
    James said...
    Obama's poll numbers didn't really jump after the Dem convention though. The Dems are worried man. Joe Biden didn't affect the polls at all, which has them worried as well.

    I didn't say O'Reilly was fair.
    I said that he was more fair than Olbermann and some guys over at MSNBC.......that is totally subjective though. But anyways, watch the interview........the preview looks like a good debate.

    I was pleased that MSNBC dropped Olbermann and Matthews as election anchors.

    Uhhh....your continuing logic about using dentistry as an analogy to journalism is just stupid (kinda funny, I suppose). I'll make more money helping people; whereas, Journalists/news will make more money destroying people........sorry for speaking in generalities.
    Glum said...
    It still is amazing how the RNC is always criticized for being nothing but rich old white guys. Apparently the choosing of Biden didn't draw that criticism. And when McCain picked someone not even close to that profile, he still gets all the heat for picking someone with the same old Republican values. In my estimation, there really aren't any old Republiican values in Palin.

    I agree that O'Reily can have his head in unmetionable places, but he generally is more fair than those idiots at MSNBC. He even disagrees with Dick Morris, which is rare of anyone on Fox News.

    It is interesting that generally even up to a month after their respecitve conventions, the candidate will enjoy a bounce. I have noticed, as have the polls, that McCain has all but wiped out any bounce that Obama woul've received. too bad he shot himself in the foot with that Biden guy...
    Josh said...
    You guys just hop on anything that looks like good news, don't you? Let me repeat myself.

    Don't trust polls. They will lie to you and hurt your feelings. They will cheat on you and use your toothbrush when you are not looking! They will spit in your food and eat all of your cookies. AND they'll drink out of the carton!

    In essence, they both had a bounce, and they canceled each other out. McCain is riding on a wave of enthusiasm because he chose Minnie Mouse for a VP. Everybody loves cartoons! But in the end, their just happy caricatures. No real substance. But I will give you one thing, she does have the GOP standards down pat. Lying; extremism; intolerance; abusing power, etc. No wonder the conservative base is so energized!

    Holy cow! John McCain chose someone who is unconventional! That's change, folks! How keen! How novel! Someone in the GOP who isn't old and white! Call out the Evangelicals, we've got an election on our hands. Remember though, she's running for VP. Obama is running for President. You might be excited for now, but just wait. There's still plenty of time for McGrumpy to bore us all to tears before the election. And just wait until Minnie Mouse is asked actual questions instead of just repeating the tired, and patently false, "and I said thanks, but NO THANKS to your bridge to nowhere."

    Give it a week, maybe two.

    Then we'll talk.

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