McCain is a liar

Jiminy Cricket: You buttered your bread. Now sleep in it!

Not slip-ups. Not half-truths. Not misunderstandings. Not quotes taken out of context. These are bold-faced, outright lies.

Iraq is like Arizona. Only without all the crazy old golfers:
"There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today."

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Genocide!
Even Mittens called him a liar after he said:
"If we surrender and wave a white flag, like Senator Clinton wants to do, and withdraw, as Governor Romney wanted to do, then there will be chaos, genocide, and the cost of American blood and treasure would be dramatically higher."
Barack Obama wants to burn money to keep poor people warm
On nuclear power:
it's 'clean and it's safe and we can recycle -- excuse me -- reprocess and we can store. My opponent is against nuclear power...'

Uh, no. Maybe his campaign needs to visit Obama's website to see what their position really is instead of making up one for themselves.

Raise taxes
McCain has repeatedly claimed that Barack Terrorist Obama will bring about:
'the largest tax increase since the Second World War.'
Right. Liar. According to that liberal smear machine McCain's tax plan would decrease taxes for zillionaires all over America. Both plans would decrease taxes for middle-class American's. Barack's would give my tax bracket almost $300 dollars more than McCain's.

Sarah Palin was the inspiration Democracy in the Soviet Union.
There isn't enough time to go into the lies they churned out for her. One of my favorites:
"You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay -- and made a profit!"

Nope. Someone else thought of putting it there. It didn't sell. So, they sold it privately. At a loss.

Another whopper: Sarah Palin is qualified to be president because she stopped needless projects that sucked up tax dollars. What a maverick.

Truth: She campaigned for the $300 million dollar bridge. Then cancelled it when the fed wouldn't allow it. But she still took the money.

I could go on about her all day. But I won't. Bill Clinton wouldn't like it.

John McCain is the new Aerosmith
McCain campaign claims the Secret Service counted 23,000 raging fans waving lighters and singing 'More than Words' at a Palin-Some Old Dude rally.
'We didn't provide any numbers to the campaign,' said Malcolm Wiley, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service.

Real crowd? ~8,000

Pigs ears will fuel future wars for generations to come.
Again from factcheck:
"McCain's talk about eliminating $100 billion a year in earmarks is largely fantasy. His advisers are now promoting a more realistic plan of eliminating $100 billion in overall spending. But it is difficult to take even that promise very seriously given the fact that the senator refuses to identify exactly which projects he will be cut. To use a phrase coined by George H.W. Bush, this is 'voodoo economics,' based more on wishful thinking than on hard data or carefully considered policy proposals."

Barack Obama wants to give pornography to your sweet, innocent, little children.

"Obama's one accomplishment? Legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners. Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family."

Liars everywhere will look to this ad for generations to come, it will be the standard by which all future lies are judged. McCain's pants are still burning from this one. Not only did they lie about a well-intention and meaningful bill (it's akin to like me claiming McCain wants to destroy freedom and kills babies in his spare time because he supports the war) but also Obama's role in it.

Carol Ronen, the now-retired state senator who sponsored the bill, said its main intent was to make sure that teenagers got information that was "medically accurate," a requirement that wasn't then part of the school code. A secondary effect was to expand age-appropriate sex education down to lower grades, to allow things like teaching school children to avoid sex predators, Ronen said.

"Barack never had anything to do with it," she said.

McCain is an honest, folksy, old-timey politician.
Uh, what happened to the Straight Talk Express?

There's no more need for honesty in his campaign. Just a concerted effort to keep up appearances. It doesn't matter what's true, it's just about what people think is true. Campaign manager Rick Davis:

"This election is not about issues, this election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."

I'd keep going but I've run out of energy. And when you've told too many lies for me to whine about, you know you have gone too far. I'll close with the words of someone else on this here blog. A year or so ago James summed up what we are all thinking about McCain at this stage in the game: that he's lost it. He's crashing and burning. He's abandoned his good image and resorted to lies to get anyone to listen.

"...the more I listen to McCain and Rudy though, the more I'm convinced they can't beat Clinton or Obama"

Let's hope you were right, James. Let's restore some honor to the office. Don't elect McCain.


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