The McCain campaign is stooping to lows that the Obama campaign had the decency to rise above.

Instead of doing the right thing, McCain and Palin have trotted this private matter around the yard like their favorite show-dog. It's a simple attempt of faux-outrage. They have no answers to the legitimate questions that have been raised about Palin's lack of experience, her alliance to a party that is set on succession from the union, her abuse of power, her desire to ban library books, and MUCH MORE.

Instead, they make Palin's 17 year-old daughter a straw-man. They trot her boyfriend out on the tarmac where John McCain proceeds to give him a full-contact massage in front of the national media to make Evangelicals hearts go all a flutter. They concoct nonexistent liberal stories about DNA tests and media scrutiny in order to fool Americans into thinking the Obama campaign is unfairly targeting an innocent girl. It's the same as the person who runs into the street, dives in front of an oncoming car, and calls it attempted homicide.

Make no mistake. The Obama campaign has too much class to descend to this level of political desperation. It is, however, telling that the McCain campaign has no problem taking a private matter and using a 17 year-old as a human Pinata. It's no surprise. Before this came out their only approach to legitimate questions was, "You can't ask that. She's a woman. You're sexist."

Not even Tucker Bounds has answers. He's only the head of the McCain campaign. He loved it when voters new little about Obama. Now, he can't even defend their own VP candidate. The irony is so rich I can almost taste it.

What on earth were they thinking? How can they sleep when they think that spending 15 minutes on a plane in Ireland or "Alaska borders Russia" is a legitimate answer to people questioning her foreign policy experience.

Alaska borders Russia? Are they claiming that Sarah Palin is the reason we haven't been living a real-life version Red Dawn is because Sarah Palin protected us from the communists?

I would laugh but it can't bring myself to do it. You just can't laugh at a car wreck, when innocent people are going to get hurt. So I weep for you, Republicans. It's no longer a nomination. It's a travesty.


  1. James said...
    The CNN interview was a joke.....she doesn't even know that EVERY LITTLE THING the National Guard does from weekend drills to ANY deployment is under orders and juristiction of the governor.

    Thank you Josh for showing us another brilliant example of media bias. "I'm just asking because I am genuinely curious".........Give me a break! She already had her mind made up. Why didn't she look up to see one specific thing that Palin has done as Commander in Chief? Irresponsible journalism...fact is, she didn't want people to know what decisions Palin's made and, unfortunately, Tucker didn't do his homework. The reporter wanted it to appear that Palin didn't make any decisions, when that is FAR from the case.

    The fact is Palin has more executive experience as a Mayor of a small town than Obama ever had! It is true, however, that Obama has experience running a campaign.....woop-dee-freakin-doo!

    Isn't it sad when everyone is comparing Obama to McCain's VP pick......could it be that he pales in comparison to McCain's experience? Do you Dems know how pathetic it looks when you compare Obama to Palin because you're too afraid to compare him to McCain?
    James said...
    P.S. I'm not voting for McCain by the way. I'm just sick of liberal media.
    Josh said...
    That dang liberal media. Asking real questions, how dare they! The McCain campaign claimed she ran the National Guard. She protected us from the commies! It's only because of Sarah Reagan Palin that you aren't eating borsht for dinner tonight. If it weren't for her, Putin would have burst over the Bering Strait and burned down the White House years ago! She's a great American Patriot. And look, her kids pregnant!

    It might come as a surprise to you but reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. When someone spouts drivel as often as Tucker Bounds does, they have a responsibility to ask even harder questions. The media is supposed to serve the public by getting at the truth, not swallowing idiocy.

    The experience issue is dead. McCain killed it and the Republicans are just making McCain's judgement a serious political issue by bringing it up so much. I am sure the reporter was genuinely curious how Tucker Carlson could possibly consider hunting for polar bears in the Bering Strait could be considered foreign policy experience.

    Personally, I've never thought experience was such a big issue. I'm the one who said I think Barack's lack of time in D.C. is a good thing. But the Republicans are the ones who made it McCain's trademark. I am just appalled at their audacity in choosing such a horrendously vetted candidate.

    Maybe you're right. Perhaps the media needs to do it's part and buy into the Republican talking points. Just like they did for the Iraq war. That's what journalism is about, supporting conservatives preconcieved ideas. Heck, if it isn't on Rush, it isn't the truth!

    I think the real issue here is that republicans are so aversed to any legitimate inquiries into their carefully scripted talking points that any story that doesn't support their ideas must, as they see it, be part of a conspiracy to destroy them.
    James said...
    That's just it Josh......the news didn't get the truth out. They didn't do any research and they already had an opinion before the facts.

    The experience issue is not dead.

    Palin has more executive experience....period.

    I listened to Palin's speech today....she went over a lot of her experience (Seeing how that is a hot topic right now)......and it is now clear--SHE HAS WAY MORE EXPERIENCE and MANY MORE SUCCESSES THAN OBAMA.

    That CNN chick was not a responsible journalist. All I got from that interview was speculations and accusations. NO FACTS......THUS, POOR JOURNALISM.

    Rush isn't the news by the way....he gets paid for speaking his opinion. The Dems have just as many voices on the radio, they just don't make as much money because they don't stand to reason and barely have a platform. Okay, so that was a cheap shot....I'm ornery, I guess.

    The National Guard does a lot more than protect the Bering Strait by the way. They get sent to Iraq the same as any soldier. It is up to the state government to make sure that they are well supplied, trained, and prepared for deployment. Often the Governor hand picks units to fill needs requested by the POTUS. She wasn't just in charge of the National Guard by the way. Last time I checked, running a state has many responsibilities......I don't have to name them, do I? I'd be happy to in the future if you want to compare her responsibilities/accomplishments to Obama.

    Palin has done more for our energy crisis than any of Obama's recommendations to inflate tires or whatever else he's bloviated in the past. Also, her history regarding oil companies and their bought politicians is refreshing.

    I don't want the media to approve or support any of my ideas...THAT'S NOT THEIR JOB!!!!!
    Their job is to get the facts out there and let people make up their own minds. I know exactly who that CNN chick is voting for and you can't deny it either!

    Here is a problem with your thinking: "......that any story that doesn't support their ideas must, as they see it, be part of a conspiracy to destroy them."

    So you are admitting that the media supports something. If that's how you feel, you have a skewed view on responsible media. I know I'll never convert you to the right, but can you at least give this some thought besides just thinking I'm crazy.

    I understand that there aren't always 2 sides to a story. Sometimes wrong is just wrong. But as you can see from the arguments we've had back and forth........most of the time there is at least 2 sides to a story and it is generally WRONG for the news to choose sides.

    And it's not just me......there is mathematical/statistical evidence supporting left-wing bias in the news.
    Josh said...
    Your missing the point. McCain said Obama wasn't qualified. He said he was a dangerous choice because he lacked experience. Then he picked someone with more scandals in her past than years in office. To cover her resume' the McCain campaign uses crap like the fact that she has executive experience because she lead the national guard. Which, by the way isn't true and her own record proves she NEVER issued a single order. NOT ONE. See

    As for the media. Here's a quick rundown of Journalism 101. When someone makes an assertation, you are supposed to ask them if they have evidence to support their claim. If someone claims that Martians are abducting their cats and replacing them with hairy replicas that like to eat house plants, you should ask for proof.

    When Tucker Bounds says Palin has foreign policy experience because Alaska borders Russia, you say "Why do you consider that foreign policy experience?" When they say she has executive experience leading the national guard you are supposed to say, "What orders did she give?" Just because you don't like the answers doesn't mean someone shouldn't be asking them. Reporters should not go into an interview with an agenda but they should always want to get the truth, especially the truth that the interviewee doesn't want to give up.

    Also, you said "So you are admitting that the media supports something." I reread what I wrote and decided I definitely didn't say the media 'supports something'. In fact, it is the right-wing reader who perceives things as either correct (supporting their ideas) or as an attack on everything that he holds dear. I'm afraid you see an enemy in everything that doesn't support your opinion. Just because you don't like what someone says doesn't make it false.

    The McCain campaign should stop whining about the media doing the vetting that his crew should have done months before he selected Palin for his VP. If they don't like what they are hearing it's because they didn't know.
    Glum said...
    One of the real issues here is, the Obama campaign is so scared of an experienced GOP ticket that they will say or do anything to divert attention from that matter. As will their media puppets. Too be honest, I am tired of the Democratic leftist flookies assuming they have the countries best interest at heart by making Palin's motivations for VP something other than what they really are. It is clear to see she has the countries best interest at heart by how she has lived, governed, and still does both. You guys are way too afraid of confronting her as a real candidate, instead you have to belittle and smear.

    One of these days the Democratic party is going to self-implode from all of it's own hot air. I can feel it coming...
    ART said...
    Welcome to the dark side my friend.
    Hey, I went to and Eagles concert the other day and don henley played dirty laundry.
    It brought back memories of when I made you put on the tiger costume so I could drag you down the isle of the auditorium.
    Good times.
    Josh said...
    Snowbunny! You must be part of the liberal establishment too! I must have missed you at the last bi-weekly propaganda meetings. I was too busy pillaging innocent Christian villages, performing abortions, you know, same-old. I hear there was a lively discussion on the latest attempts to bring Stalin back to the land of the living. Keep it up Comrades!

    Whew. A socialists work is never done. Now excuse me, I have to get back to work. There are innocent children to corrupt and gullible Americans to fool!

    Dirty Laundry! I'd forgotten about that. You can drag me down the aisle any time.
    James said...
    What scandals are you talking been reading the tabloids?

    Obama lacks experience. No matter how long you diss Sarah, her accomplishments greatly outnumber Obama's accomplishments at writing memoirs.

    I did some research on Palin's Commander-in-Chief experience......I haven't been able to find any orders given. Apparently, the rules have changed (they really have--like a year ago). She was involved in troop readiness though. She does have a lot invested in the Army--her son is deployed. She did visit her troops in Kuwait as well. I'm still looking for more examples of military leadership though.
    Josh said...
    Oh yea, this was rich.

    "One of the real issues here is, the Obama campaign is so scared of an experienced GOP ticket that they will say or do anything to divert attention from that matter."

    Excuse me, I had to pause to laugh hysterically for a few moments.

    I'm better now.

    The boat just left. And you missed it. What the GOP calls 'experience' is also known as '8 years of bad policy, one stupid war, and a horrendous president.' Yup, people are afraid of that, but not in the way you see it. The LAST thing the Democrats want is an 'experienced' ticket.

    They want change. Not the 'just like Bush but older, stogier but accessorised with a perky sidekick' kind of change the GOP is selling. No, they do not want the kind of 'change' that comes with another spontaneous war with the flavor-of-the-month Persian country. Not the kind of 'change' that Gramps McCain and his 'my machismo is bigger than yours' contest he wants to play with Russia. One cold war was plenty, thank you very much.

    Change, as democrats understand it, means SOMETHING DIFFERENT than what we already have. I don't want "experience," I want change!
    James said...
    Call me crazy, but I would prefer change and experience.....

    Experience is valuable. You've heard many times that "the presidency is not an internship".
    Josh, it's annoying how you dismiss experience....dude, if I'm choking, you better know the Heimlich maneuver in stead of just hoping you do.

    It's great to have ideals and visions.....but it's just as important to know how to make them realities.

    You talk of the last 8 years horribly. Our economy has grown 20% in the Bush years. Lower income jobs haven't kept up the pace....we still need to figure out this 10 million illegal immigrant problem (like Obama is goin to help us out there). Our nation faced 9/11.....I'm glad th US still leads the world economy. With a strong China, we are goin' to have to stay competitive.....we need to give incentives for ingenuity and invention (Obama has scoffed at McCain's incentive plans).

    I don't trust Dems with our money. I don't trust "W" either. McCain has a bone to pick with pork barrel spending.
    Josh said...
    McCain might have an issue with Pork Barrel spending but Palin loves it. She must have a serious love of bacon considering how much pork she procured in her short career as a politician. What a maverick.

    Personally, I have no problems with earmarks. There should be more oversight but even McCain has done them before. I dig having an infrastructure. I loves me some bacon.

    (editors note* the above references to pig related foods should not be misconstrued as personal attacks on any one political candidate, male or female. Except for pigs. How sexist of you to think so in the first place.)

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