Ha! Beat down by the ladies on the View. If you get a chance it's worth watching the whole thing, there are several other parts on youtube.

My favorites:

On the latest lies the campaign calls ads: "Senator Obama chooses his words carefully. He shouldn't have said it." I on the other hand, have all my words chosen for me or I say something stupid in a fit of rage. But it's ok. I'm a POW.

On Sarah Palin as a reformer: Barabara Walter: "You've been in Washington for twenty years. Who's she coming to change, You?" McSame: "She'll change Republicans, she'll change Democrats even an independant. She'll CHANGE ALL OF WASHINGTON! She's Mary Poppins and Harry Potter all mixed together but without all the horrifying anti-christian cult stuff. Don't ask how, you can't explain magic. She'll just wave her wand and *poof* we'll all be princesses and princes. Washington will be renamed the Land of Love, Temperance, Congeneality, Cooperation, Prosperity and Mooseburgers and we will all move to Alaska where we'll frolic through the happy fields of oil. The Caribou will be our friend and the Wolf will be our shoe-warmer. All thanks to Sarah Palin. Yay.

On earmarks: "She's a reformer. She cut a half a billion dollars in earmarks... She never took them as governor." Except for that 300 million or so this YTD. But it's OK. If I smile hard enough nobody will notice that I'm lying through my teeth.

And Whoopi being worried that John McCain wants to make her a slave again. Yea, makes you look at those supreme court candidates and their 'strict constitutional interpretation' a little differently. Kinda-sorta sounds like a bigot.


  1. James said...
    I wonder if they'll try to beat down Obama? Something tells me they won't even attempt it.....it's already established Obama is a panderer and an ever-changing politician, but I'm sure he'll be treated as royalty on the View.

    This is the same show that condemned Romney for announcing his Presidency at the Ford Museum...Joy (or is it Joyce)said that act alone was enough to convince her not to vote for him......
    Josh said...
    You can keep trying, James but I'm afraid you can't make it stick. I get the sense that you are still a little hurt about the whole Mitt-flop thing and now you are trying to vent a little of that on Obama. You might believe it, and that's fine, but it won't stick.

    Face it, in this day and age, when you can compare every word that a person has ever uttered in public, you are going to find some that don't jive. Do we really expect to have a president who has never changed his mind? Eek, no! I hope that someone has a more mature opinion than they did years before (there's still hope for me!). Some are just like fish slapping on the shore, flopping from side-to-side, trying not to die. But in the end, they just end up rotten and stinking.

    Mitt stinks.
    James said...
    What does flip-flopping have to do with the View condemning him? They thought he was a Nazi-sympathizer.

    Until you prove Mitt flipped on something other than abortion, you would be best not comparing his one flip to Obama's multitude.

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