Obama doesn't want to provide choices for those who can't afford private schools. It's a shame.....his kids get to go, so he obviously thinks it's a superior education--one he's willing to pay $40,000 a year for.
With vouchers, we aren't asking for a handout. We are asking for what the government pays for our kids' education already and the ability to use it to best help our children's education.


  1. Glum said...
    You've got it all wrong. Heaven forbid we as the payor of public education should have the audacity to think we should have a choice in it's use! (Sorry, I've watched too much MSNBC lately.) I agree, it is time to start asking hard questions about how we want the future of this country to look. Apparently we are the only ones willing to ask those questions and have actual answers that don't involve something socialist.
    Josh said...
    Oh geeze. The worst part of it all is that you are serious. I have news for you. You are surrounded by socialism. Capitalism almost killed itself off until someone came up with a brilliant socialist idea called the New Deal.

    Child labor laws, Social security, Federal Employee Retirement Systems, Unemployment Insurance, the Food and Drug Administration, fire departments, police departments, and much, much, more are all socialism. So, when you see a firefighter saving someone's home, do them a favor and decry them for the commies they are.

    Vouchers might seem like a good idea but they are not. They don't work.

    1. In McCain's great state of Old Folks, 76% of the money handed out for their voucher program has gone to children already in private schools. Yup, your tax money paying for a rich kids catholic school. NICE!

    2. Private schools have limited enrollment and can turn anyone away. Public education guarantees everyone an education. So in the end you'll have all the smarty-pant rich kids in private schools and everyone else in public schools. But you'll be paying for both of their educations, instead of just your own. Now that's class!

    3. You assume private schools produce much better students. Wrong-o. See here: http://nces.ed.gov/NAEP/pdf/studies/2006461.pdf there's only a marginal difference.

    I love how conservative rally around the 'less government is better' cry. Unless it come to their morals. Then they would have the government mandate the way people think, foisting the ideas of a small group of religious believers on everyone else. Dictating what and how much you drink in Utah, for example, or stepping between your wife and her doctor telling them what procedures are acceptable for her body, dictating who can be in a loving relationship and who cannot. Forcing teachers to become test-mongers, penalizing those who don't perform.

    While democrats could be guilty of trying to have the government involved in our economy (not that the republicans are any different) But only the Republicans want the governemnt to be involved in our moral decisions.

    That's socialism of a different kind.
    Josh said...
    Oh. I forgot one. VOUCHERS ARE SOCIALISM! Taking something from someone to give it to someone else so they can go to a fancy-pants school to learn to play quidditch and wave wands around the air.

    Socialism and CULTS!

    Heaven help us! Stock up on potato peals and buy a new wheat grinder because the end is NEAR!

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