More Imus.........

Just watched this..................Josh, you probably hate Fox news--hope I'm not torturing you. I was really entertained.
Other issue:
What kind of crazy world do we live in when 32 lives are lost mindlessly? Gone........just like that. (During the bloodliest month in Iraq, December, 112 soldiers died). I think about whackos all of the time.......especially when I go hometeaching in bad neighborhoods. I think about my family too, of course. I've been putting serious thoughts in purchasing a firearm. I sometimes wonder what kind of affect the army has had on me.......I'm capable of killing an assailant without the slightest remorse.......words cannot express the anger that wells up inside when I think of someone removing me from my family. That's probably where a lot of my issues with the Middle East stems. There are radical jihadists who persistently seek to destroy our nation and kill our families.....I hope we get them first. I've probably been too open with this paragraph.......just tell me I'm psycho......I'll probably agree with you.

1 Comment:

  1. Glum said...
    You are not off base to want a firearm. I actually just got a .45 smith and wesson. You are the only one who has the ultimate responsibility for protecting your family. I am not saying it's time to start a militia for anything, but the time will come when you need to protect what is yours and ward off those that would take it from you. I actually have been thinking a lot about this lately, and have justified the fact that I have to be responsible for what is mine. No amount of reliance on gov't or state can re-assure me that 4500 Beach Ave. Chubbuck, ID will be protected. Only Derrick J. Glum...

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