Giddy as a Schoolboy!

Today I received my 5th letter from Romney. The previous ones were generic letters he probably sent out to thousands, but still made me feel important in an odd "I'm contributing" kind of way. This last letter was actually a handwritten message on the back of a family photo. I've only contributed nickels and dimes to his campaign, but what a red-letter day. I imagine he's sent the pictures to people who haven't maxed-out on contributions.........I have to be honest, he'll probably get more money from me (I told my wife I wouldn't spend any more I'll have to sacrifice junkfood for a month or something). Is there another presidential candidate out there who would take the time to do that?

I noticed there's no signature on the above picture. It was created by Josh Ferrin, an up-and-coming illustrator/author, who also contributes to this blog.

1 Comment:

  1. James said...
    A lot of candidates are hesitant to start a youtube page........Mitt was the first (perhaps still the only one) to embrace it. You see, Youtube is a great way to get name recognition, but it also gives whackos a chance to attack endlessly and ruthlessly. The result though, is Mitt has gotten a half-million views in the short couple weeks he's been on there. For every whacko, there's probably 2 people who are at least interested in finding out more.

    Mitt is moving up in the polls. Now a cumulative national 10% (he was 3-4% just a couple of months ago). He's Number One in South Carolina (I told you guys he would get evangelical votes)and in New Hampshire--2 key primary states......there's other states that he'll take like Michigan and Massachussets--but I think they're later in the primaries.

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