Liberal media

I had the perfect plan.

First, I would find the story James was referencing. I would read it, undoubtedly find sound journalism, and then, throw it in James face for being too sensitive, seeing 'liberals' everywhere- in the crosswords even!

There was a slight hitch in my plan.

I didn't get through the first paragraph without rolling my eyes. What was this 'journalist' thinking? Then I wondered if his editor was on vacation.

It's pricelessly biased.

There is a story here. Mitt Romney uses a company that employs illegal immigrants. Doubly so because of his strong stance on illegal immigration.

Unfortunate, Yes. Worth a story? Of course.

Worth sending a journalist to Guatemala to interview former employees of said company? Uh, NO! How about scoping out the home of the Governor to see who shows up? Bizarre.

If we assume the burden of proof stated in the article I suppose that one would need to ask nearly every person who might be in the country illegally for documentation before patronizing their business. Is someone listening to Mariachi music at the gas station? Ok pal, where's the green card? Absurd.

I think it is ridiculous for a newspaper to take a story with connections as tenuous as 'they worked on his lawn' and come up with a headline that says 'Illegal immigrants toiled for Governor.'


From my perspective, they were justified in doing the story. But what was the purpose of painting the governor in such a contradictory light. Simple, they are trying to appease their readers. It's a shame when journalists abandon their pursuits of informing the public and begin to skew themselves to serve their readers interests.

I was surprised and I am a member of the 'liberal media'. What's going on here? It can be summed up in two words.

Yellow Journalism.

Read it here yourself.

Oh, yea! What's with the registration for the Globes site. Do they really need to know my household income before I can read your biased writing?


  1. Glum said...
    So if Mitt Romney goes out to dinner and asks if the wait staff all have green cards, is he asking the right question, or is he racially profiling?
    Booker said...
    I would say, yes.
    Glum said...
    Yes, he is racially profiling. Good Call!
    James said...
    Yeah, even Pulitzer or Hearst might cringe....well, they might actually be impressed.

    If you guys want a good laugh, read any article the Globe puts out on Romney. The time Romney went to Utah and talked to Mormons (Elder Holland) was completely blown out of proportion. I guess Mitt can't talk to any Mormons from here on out. If you want even more laughs, watch any Janet Wu news coverage of Romney and try not to roll your eyes.

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