“A Few Reasons Liberalism is Not Steering Our Nation in the Right Direction”
By J.M. (an average conservative American)

I was disheartened by the change in power in the House and
Senate. It’s understandable considering the unpopular war, but I
think Americans forgot why they have been voting conservative in the
first place. This paper is a simple, yet passionate reminder. You
know, there is a reason why the nation is polarizing. It isn’t so
much about politics anymore as much as it is about the fight between
good and evil. I guess it’s up to you, with a little help from me, to
decide which side you want to be on. If you like this paper, feel
free to forward it—GOP Power! Please forgive my grammatical
errors—writing has never been one of my strengths.

As a disclaimer, some of the people I’m most fond of are
democrats and are truly amazing—they are liberal because of noble
reasons like helping the poor, giving people more freedoms, and
striving for world peace. I’m sure they will be offended by this
paper, but I’m sick of being politically correct.

1. They (liberals) cry “help the poor, help the poor!” But do not live
up statistically to the generosity of charitable conservatives.
Hypocritical liberals prefer the government to be responsible for
their own shortcomings as human-beings.

2. Liberals are all about giving people more freedom which is noble,
but some things are meant to be illegal; otherwise, the legalizing of
such things as drugs, pornography, and gambling is equivalent to a
stamp of approval from our government. These immoralities occur
regardless, they just don’t need the government’s endorsement.

3. Many liberals are anti-American. Whether intentionally or not,
they will support any anti-American, anti-white, or anti-religious
person (mainly Christian or Jew) before they support our president or
soldiers in a time of war.

4. Liberals believe they are protecting mothers’ reproductive rights
by being pro-choice. In reality, they are justifying murder and not
protecting the lives of the innocent. It is not protecting
reproductive rights as much as it is the REMOVAL OF CONSEQUENCES FROM

5. Liberals haven’t a clue what stem cell research is. It is
RESEARCH—not the cure. It’s been some time since we have used HUMAN
BEINGS AS LAB RATS, I'd like to think that we've evolved. It should
be noted that embryos are NOT the only source of stem cells.

6. Liberals want to take Christ out of everything from Christmas to
public prayers.

7. Liberals want to take God out of everything from the dollar bill to
the Pledge of Allegiance. Basically they want to remove the foundation
from what this country was built upon.

8. Liberals will fight for your right to say anything anti-American,
vulgar, or anti-religious in public, but will fight against the
people’s right to having the 10 commandments posted on public grounds.

9. Liberals claim that they embrace diversity. Why then, would they
prefer me to be a white Christian only in private? I, like most other
religious persons, don’t mind it when people of other religions
practice their beliefs around me (e.g. Jews, Muslims, and Atheists.)
—it’s cool, I might even learn something………all I want is the same
privilege--oh, and a Christmas tree downtown would be nice too.

10. Every time your child finds porn on the internet, you can thank a liberal.

11. Every time you hear cussing on public television while children
are in the room, you can thank a liberal.

12. Every time you see strip-clubs, casinos, and legalized
prostitutes, you can thank a liberal.

13. You can pick any city in the United States that has “San
Francisco values” along the lines of Europe’s Amsterdam, you can rest
assured that city is controlled by liberals. These are merely
correlations, but cannot be ignored if you want to see the FRUITS OF

14. Liberals fight discrimination with discrimination. In stead of
“may the best man or woman win,” we have affirmative action. This
places an unfair stigma on the truly qualified of all races.

15. Liberals support the grasshoppers of the world—you know—“the world
owes me a living’” type. We are not doing ANYONE any favors (except
for students, single parents and the disabled) by fostering their
endless state of non-self-reliance. Why have the liberals strayed so
far from FDR’s approach of giving people jobs?

16. Liberals fight for the rights of illegal immigrants. While we
need to help our neighbors, we should do it without undermining the
law. Somewhere in time the liberals have forgotten that illegal
immigrants are here ILLEGALLY. Most of us are Americans because we or
our ancestors immigrated the right way, so we know it is possible.

17. While many find it understandable to fight for homosexuals and
their right to marry, liberals are forgetting one very important
thing—THE CHILDREN. People get married to have families and raise
children. Every child needs a father and a mother for healthy social,
behavioral, and mental development.

18. The Liberals’ whole political stance the last 6 years has been
ATTACK BUSH. No one knows their plan for social security, terrorism,
national deficit, or economy because THEY HAVE NO PLAN WHATSOEVER!
Their whole campaigning strategy has been targeted on Bush.

19. Many liberals would have our troops leave Iraq tomorrow. Forget
the fact that would cause a humanitarian disaster, leave Iraq as a
haven for militant terrorist groups, and encourage other nations to
disrespect our nations’ resolve. In stead of fighting the war on
terror abroad, we’d be back to fighting the war here.

20. Liberals think that we can diplomatically solve all of our
problems in the Middle East. I’d like to see the liberals try to talk
peace to those people who decapitate hostages on television, vow the
destruction of Israel, and encourage their children to dance around
dismembered Americans.


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