My two cents

I’ve been reading the past few emails and just wanted to give my two cents. First of all, I told JM earlier that I did share many of his feelings on those matters, but that I am also affiliated with neither party, because I vote based on whom or what I think is right (which I realize, is not what everybody think is right). People may see this method as a “copout” or “riding the fence” but I see it as having strong political feelings independent of any party bias. I also agree with you Josh in the fact that there are problems with being too party tied and/or extreme on either side of the line. Although I have listened to them, I don’t regularly listen to Hanitty, Rush, Colmes, and Franken. I’m also not one of those guys that thinks that all liberals are evil. I don’t think that all Republicans are evil either. There are obviously good and bad on both sides. I’ve worked in the Utah State Legislature and having had a Father in the Senate, I realize that this nation is not without it share of corrupt Republican politicians. But, it obviously is not without its fair share of corrupt democrat politicians either. Josh would probably know that having worked for the government as well. It is because of this that I tried to approach the past local and national elections with an open mind and without any political bias. This is something that I think that everybody should do (Republican or Democrat). I was just as ready to vote for John Kerry as I was for George Bush if I felt like he would do a service to our country.

Now Josh, I do want to call you on something. Just because a conservative (or liberal) doesn’t agree with a story does not mean that it isn’t an unbiased story (nor a biased one for that matter). Now, having said that, I do believe that the media is much more biased toward liberalism and I wish that they would give the story as it is, not as they think it should be displayed toward the public. I’ve seen so many shows that portray the conservative as a jerk and liberal as a hero. I’ve also seen the news withhold images or stories just because it doesn’t work for their political bias. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that there are problems on both sides of the line again, and I know that you work for a newspaper, but you have to admit there is some real bias in the media. All that I want, is for the media to give the story in an unbiased professional approach, whether or not conservatives or liberals agree with it. At this point I don’t think that they do.

You made a good point when you said, “Lincoln was often portrayed as making "the devil's deal" when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It is a good thing that history saw him differently, but no matter how history viewed him, he still did the right thing whether the people, of the time or this time, agreed with him or not. That is what we are shooting for in politics. Now having said that, I understand that life is more complicated than just saying that this is right and this is wrong. A lot of times, in politics as well as in life, I feel like I’m choosing between good and better or bad and worse. I felt this way this past presidential election. Adam and Eve felt that same thing in the garden of Eden. I think that is why the church teaches us to have the spirit with us, so we can make the right decisions at the right time and under the right circumstances. I think that it is in these decision making methods that partisan views can just plain get in the way. I mean, what if Nephi had “voted” not to kill Laban just because he believed murder was wrong.

Also, the idea that conservatives can’t think for themselves is something I’ve heard so many liberals say, and I think that the fact that you made that assumption Josh means that you are buying into the same type of partisan things that you’re accusing conservatives of buying into.

Also, I did realize that many of the early LDS church members were democrat, but you can’t tell me that we have the same democratic party today that we had back then. Back then, abortion was considered murder, God, reference to and belief in, was not being extinguished, and I am relatively sure that homosexual couples were not celebrated and given the right to marry. I have some very good friends who struggle with homosexuality and I know it is very difficult and I feel for them. I do not however, think the leaders of our church voted in support of any of these issues. Now having said this, I think that the church is very wise today to not endorse any political party, but to encourage its members to vote according to their own free will and conscience. I do think that you can be a good Mormon and vote Democrat or a good Mormon and vote Republican (…or Independent or Libertarian, etc), as long as you are voting according to what you know to be right.

Anyway, that’s probably all I’m going to say for now. Feel free to disagree and to make any comments. I like this open minded conversation that we have going. I think that its what friends should always have, whether we agree or not (... As long as we don’t kill each other). Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later.



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