1. Glum said...
    Looks like Iowa got it wrong again. The statement that gay marriage is now being, "streamlined" is a phrase I really thought would never come. The Roman Empire began it's descent when homosexuality was practiced openly and allowed. I fear and suspect that if we don't stop this from happening elsewhere, we will be on the same slippery slope.

    Of course I will, or could be, labeled as homophobic or in-tolerant, but I like to call it ethical and morally straight. Same sex marriage is as wrong as polygamy, adultery, or any other sin. Yes, I called it a sin. it must stop.
    James said...
    I haven't developed a firm opinion on this yet. Yes it's a sin, but is being gay a sin? Do we need to outlaw anything and everything that's a sin? Where do we draw a line before we have a theocracy? Not as black and white as I would wish.

    I wish homosexuals would compromise, though. Marriage is more than just a union sanctioned by the government, it is a religious binding. Why can't people understand that Marriage is a religious institution? Civil unions, on the other hand, are a government institution.....I wish that was enough, but people don't feel like they're equal when they are denied what others are given.

    Equality.......that's an interesting topic in itself. Personally, I wouldn't mind an Equality amendment to the Constitution. I believe it would totally backfire on people crying inequality though. Imagine girl soldiers having to do just as many pushups as the men. Imagine people being hired based on their merits and not some quota.

    Sometimes I'm at odds with State and Federal Supreme Courts.......I don't like unelected officials making new policies (I suppose, in this case, they're doing their jobs by interpreting the Constitution, but still...it's a new policy). Don't feel represented--as I'm not from Iowa, I feel even less represented heh heh.

    This is the same thing that happened in California.....gay marriage was allowed without any democratic process.

    For better or worse, Iowa citizens will have a right to vote eventually, just like California. If gay marriage was banned in liberal California, I don't think we can expect anything different from conservative Iowa.

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