I decided to actually put more thought into this subject........you know, basically to make sure what I do, how I vote, and how I treat others is in harmony with God.

I read a couple of articles by some Apostles of the Church. I was pleased with the heartfelt empathy and wisdom of Elder Holland and the blunt, yet sensitive, common sense of Elder Oaks.

Click on the following links to read some Mormon articles about same-sex attraction:

Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction
Same-Gender Attraction

The following quote from Holland is my favorite:
"You serve yourself poorly when you identify yourself primarily by your sexual feelings. That isn’t your only characteristic, so don’t give it disproportionate attention. You are first and foremost a son of God, and He loves you."

You know, for whatever reason, I'm heterosexual.......but I have enough weaknesses and vices that I sometimes feel powerless over my actions. This gives me some empathy with people who feel trapped in homosexuality.

1 Comment:

  1. James said...
    I still don't have a firm political stance, by the way. Doctrinally speaking, I'm sound.

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