Well, they shouldn't be. They destroyed this man.


  1. Josh said...

    "They" destroyed this man. Right. That's funny.

    Do I really need to make a list of the horrible decisions he made (or others made for him? His legacies will be his own. Even he is man enough to admit he should have done things differently. At least he's man enough to accept responsibiity for his own actions and not blame this false specter you call the media. Heck, newspapers are having a hard enough time keeping the presses rolling let alone have some kind of political agenda.

    But, if it makes you feel better to blame someone else for the sad state of your (former?) party, go ahead. Everyone on the planet thinks Bush is an idgit: blame the media. The democrats won the election: blame the media. Our new President can string two sentences together without confusing the heck out of people: blame the media. Americans overwhelming choose someone you don't want to be president: blame the media. Many of the policies of the last 8 years appear to have been miserable failures: blame the media. It's raining on your trip to the beach: blame the media.

    Aren't you the one who is always talking about personal responsibility? Bush was your president, you voted for him, twice. This was your party, you supported his decisions. And he was a horrible President. Not the 'media's' fault. When the Republican party has run out of ideas it always goes back to it's standard attacks. Democrats are Socialists, Blame the Media for Everything, Rebuplicans Will Keep You Safe, and Complain about Taxes. It's not a surprise, it just smacks of desperation. You guys should come up with some new material, this old stuff is starting to turn into self-parody.

    We've had a cold spell here in New York. Dang LIBERAL MEDIA! He was your President. Take responsibility for supporting him.
    James said...
    Accept responsibility? What hypocrasy.

    The libs and media have dumped everything on the President for the last 8 years. He's blamed for absolutely everything. We still have 3 branches of federal government, right? Bush wasn't a dictator, was he? Heck, people have even found a way to blame 9/11 on Bush.

    Bush has made mistakes........what president hasn't? I get disgusted with how the libs and media have made it a goal to destroy this man.

    I don't want to get into a blame game. But I might as well defend Bush one last time.

    His failures:

    1. Going into Iraq on the premise of WMDs:
    --He was going off intelligence that fooled everybody
    --Saddam Hussein is now dead
    --Iraq broke 17 UN resolutions; unfortunately, America and a few allies are the only nations with balls
    --Iraq is on its way to becoming a thriving democracy (If Obama withdraws the troops in an organized and responsible manner)

    2. Afghanistan
    --Not a failure
    --The Taliban is no longer in control
    --Terrorists are on the run

    3. Our Economy
    --Plenty of blame to go around
    --Liberal policies are bothersome. Shouldn't bad businesses fail? Is something wrong with renting, do people have to buy homes.....especially when they can't afford them?

    4. Hurricane Katrina
    --Interesting how Bush ended up the scapegoat for Louisiana's incompetence.
    --Do you really think Bush would have denied Louisiana anything had their Governor/mayors made proper demands?
    --Katrina to me, describes exactly how dependant people have become on the Federal government.
    --Do you think the same thing would have happened in Florida? No way. The LOCAL government does a kick butt job with natural disasters (I could name all the things at our fingertips if you're interested). New Orleans just suffered from "the grasshopper" epidemic that the libs are constantly nurturing. You are asking ME to take responsibility--your party thrives off people not taking personal responsibility.

    Well, anyways.......hope Obama does a good job. He's the Messiah, apparently, so he better.

    I'm no longer Republican if Palin or Huckabee gain GOP support--it'll just show that the party has left it's platform to focus solely on social conservatism.

    I've been researching secession to see if it's constitutional and to see if I'll be in trouble with the Army as a secessionist. The Federal government affects so much of our lives--it's ever present. If the governemnt is going to be so involved in my life, I would like to have a government that reflects my ideals and values. My issues would be solved if states were given more power/rights. If the secessionist movement does nothing but encourage stronger state governments, it might be a worthy endeavor.

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