Maybe he is the Messiah.........this is a religious movement if I ever saw one. I'm weirded out. Parents should should feel nuts for having their kids do this. I understand Obama had nothing to do with this.


  1. Abby and Anna said...

    Did you guys have that cheer out here? Yeah...that was odd. I am glad that he is inspiring African Americans kids to better themselves. The delivery was definitely out there and I wasn't too sure about the whole healthcare for people who can't afford medicaid...did I hear that wrong??? I believe that is the point of medicaid...

    James, I wrote another post mentioning that I would love to hear your inside view of the international some time. I don't know how "inside" you are anymore, but more than any of us. We have a Col. across the street from my parents and they sure get a lot more information than we do. It is fascinating to talk to them. They said that we need a presence in the middle East for our own safety...whether it is in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. What do you think about that???
    Abby and Anna said...
    Sorry...another one...whoa...the first one is way more upsetting than the second one. Children...young children???
    James said...
    I'm not in the loop anymore....I'm sure I will be once I graduate though.

    There is a reason that over 70% of the military vote Republican. That's actually lower than the norm.....I can only assume it's because Obama will pick up some black votes (I'm not criticizing, just speculating).

    Speaking from experience, soldiers like Republicans because they are for strong national defense. It's job security, higher pay, and defeat isn't an option--they don't like the idea of their buddies dying in vain.

    Soldiers get pretty pissed when they think of all the down-sizing Clinton did before this crazy mess. Not only was Clinton down-sizing, but he was sending our troops on half-a$$ed police-force deployments (i.e. Sudan and Bosnia). Soldiers feel real support from Republicans.......for whatever reason, when a Dem deploys troops it feels like a political maneuver and not one of national security.

    The carry the big stick mentality of Teddy Roosevelt has remained with the Republican party to this day. Contrast that approach with the Dems........Madeline Albright, in the midst of the 90s down-sizing and sending our troops everywhere, said (paraphrasing): "The Republicans are always bragging about the military we have, well let's use it."

    Never was the "big-stick" approach better demonstrated than during the Cold War. What would have happened if Clinton downsized during the 80s? Would the Wall have been torn down?

    My Brother went to Iraq......he drove his wrecker (HMMT) on nearly 180 convoys and almost every one was attacked (usually by some non-trained idiot/s, thankfully). What made it worth it for him, was the greeting he'd get from the Kurds. It didn't matter if it was 3:00 a.m.,the Kurds would wake up their children and they'd all wave and shout to the passing convoy in gratitude and admiration. For soldiers who have seen that, retreat is not an option.

    Soldiers hold a lot of resentment to the Dems who voted for the war and have turned their backs on them because of political expediency. That is despicable and riles me to no end. When they voted to invade, what were they thinking? That they could just change their minds based on the polls. That is a huge reason Dems are not trusted by our military.

    Anyways, I'm out of time for now......didn't have a chance to make sure that I made sense....hopefully my thoughts were at least legible.
    Abby and Anna said...
    How do you like the timelines Obama is the world...maybe not the wisest course to take...isn't there something called "classified"?

    Thanks for your insight. I told you I love to talk to the people we know in the military. His wife is privy to information that none of us get because he is a Col. She said that things are going very well over there. She also made the point that you just can't set a date and doesn't work that way. George Bush may not have made all the best decisions, but our country has been safe since 9-11. I think that is saying something.
    Abby and Anna said...
    How do you like the timelines Obama is the world...maybe not the wisest course to take...isn't there something called "classified"?

    Thanks for your insight. I told you I love to talk to the people we know in the military. His wife is privy to information that none of us get because he is a Col. She said that things are going very well over there. She also made the point that you just can't set a date and doesn't work that way. George Bush may not have made all the best decisions, but our country has been safe since 9-11. I think that is saying something.
    Abby and Anna said...
    sorry for the double post...again...I get impatient and think it isn't going to send...and then it sends twice!!!
    Josh said...
    What about the timeline GW is giving? According to your logic, shouldn't that be classified? He must be one of those cut-and-run Republicans. He must not care about the lives of soldiers who are doing their duty for their country. If things are going so well why is he announcing dates for withdrawal?

    Do we really want to draw a parallel between our safety after 9/11 and the war in Iraq? How many soldiers have died because this administration wanted to pretend there was some correlation between Iraq and 9/11? There isn't one. We might as well have invaded Saturn, there's just as much tying that planet and 9/11 as there is between Iraq and 9/11. Even Dick Cheney, who is from Mars, doesn't say that anymore.

    No one should criticize the soldiers for doing their duty. But we should all question the leaders who put their lives in the line of fire for reasons that turned out to be lies. Those leaders should be accountable.

    We are not safer because we invaded Iraq. Over 4,000 honorable servicemen and women have died in a war that no one understands. That's more than those that died on 9/11. That's not safer.

    Oh, great. There I go again. Now you all are going to go crazy and call me unpatriotic and Satanic. Have at it.
    James said...
    I appreciate your stance and typical dem-like living in the past.

    You were always against the war, but your buddies weren't.

    We're in this mess.......what are we going to do NOW.

    I think America is safer. Unfortunately, it's not easy to accurately speculate. History will have to be the judge. I don't see another 9/11 happening anytime soon. The fight is over there right now instead of our own soil. Al Qaeda was growing/developing/strengthening without restriction before we took action......if you deny they are weakened, you have been ignoring their death toll. Iran is our next problem......I don't think we need military action necessarily....I think we need to stop buying their oil.

    Josh, stop speakin like you have the military's best interest in heart. Speak for yourself.

    Enough of this past crap......cut and run is not an option.

    Bush is in fact working on a timeline with the Iraqi government.....don't know if the Iraqis have approved it yet though.

    Obama was wrong on the surge dude.....he won't admit he's wrong but constantly says how wrong Bush does that help anything? When we he be held accountable for his own actions?
    James said...
    When I think of the 4,000 who have died.......I think of the many lives they have saved.

    I hate the Dem way of if their lives were wasted as Kerry and Obama have so eloquently put it.
    Josh said...
    "We're in this mess.......what are we going to do NOW."

    We leave.

    You seem to want to avoid looking at the past because it was nothing but mistakes. A war we shouldn't have waged. Planning that was never done. Lives that should not have been lost. They've messed up everything up to this point. Why are we still listening to them? Would you follow someone into battle who only makes the wrong decisions? We need a new direction. Out.

    Pardon me for speaking about what I think is in the best interest of the military. I have two boys and I foolishly hope that they don't have to see war in their lives. I disagree with John McCain that it would be great to have a presence there for 100 years. I dare to hope that we as humanity are better than that. Soldiers are dying ever day and some people would like that to continue for decades. I want a better world than that.

    If we have learned anything, we must understand that you cannot force freedom on people. We fought two wars on our own soil to ensure that this was a land where we could all be free. If someone is not ready to fight for it you cannot force it down their throats. They'll choke on it and die.

    There is no way to win this war. Not even the military can come up with a positive conclusion. Iraq will have to stand on it's own at some point. Unless we restart imperialism we need to let them be and they need to decide what is in their best interest. And let them do it on their own.
    James said...
    Leave.......right...........we can't have any fruitful conversations regarding this apparently.........let's talk about something different. Taxes anyone?

    Thanks for the pleasant reminder why I should be freakin' out at the thought of Obama becoming President.

    Leaving Iraq right now is not an option. I believe we will leave soon, turning security over to Iraq.......but to do that prematurely would have frightening consequences.

    Can't force freedom on are delusional if you think people don't want freedom. To compare this to the American Revolution is stretching it.....we were controlled by a King from across a sea whose threatening soldiers stood in fancy lines. Most people in the Middle East wish for freedom, but know forces like Hamas/Taliban/Al Qaeda/dictatorship/tyrrany prevent that. I understand if you are defending powerful rich men who are trying to harshly rule by fear, though.

    You won't have to worry about your sons in the military if we stop downsizing our volunteer army.
    The best way to make sure that your kids don't have serve is to make sure we don't fail NOW. What happens in Iraq, will shape our future security concerns in the Middle East. I'm sorry you don't sea the great risks in failure.
    Abby and Anna said...
    Things are going well with "peace talks" in Darfur...I think their death toll is up to 400,000. Its surprising that they aren't intimidated with our "talks" enough to stop killing their own people. I guess we just let them work it out on their own...well, that doesn't seem to be going so well, does it? I guess I am just glad that I was born here and not there.

    Not to open another can of worms, but the Ensign quotes the deaths from abortions in America as more than 40 million per year. That kind of dwarfs the 4,000 doesn't it. I guess it is easy to pick and choose which deaths are in vain and which aren't when you are on opposing sides of those two issues. Obama is as far left as it goes in that area...partial birth, live infants from "botched abortions" You can check these other Dem friend has and it is true...he was disturbed about it, too and didn't believe it until he checked it out.

    Are you not concerned about the promise to kill 2 million American children? I am glad that we have a presence there. I am bummed that we stayed in Iraq when we found that there were no WMD, but I only think we should have shifted to Afghanistan. We have "sworn" enemies over there who hate us and are determined to wipe us off the face of the earth. I don't think sitting down and saying "lets talk about this..." has ever worked with them.
    Abby and Anna said... is worldwide Abortion deaths that are at 40 million, not just in America...sorry about that. Didn't mean to misquote.
    James said...
    I never knew.....

    Darfur is tragic.

    Not to digress too much, but I'm always discouraged that it has always has to be America to step up and do something. Is the rest of the world just willing to leave all their battles to us?
    Abby and Anna said...
    I so agree...why is it ALWAYS us. Doesn't anyone else out there feel the need to help these people out. My sister-in-law and brother have a "Save Darfur" group in Weber County. It is hard because it is another cause...a worthy one, but how do we fund it all. civilians trying to help, how do we know anything we do is getting to the actual civilians and that the government isn't taking it. By "it" I mean food, supplies, the things they need for temporary survival. I think this is one of the criticisms Democrats have..."why do we always feel we have to help everyone" of course they never word it that way. The unfortunate reason is that no one else seems to care enough.

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