Click the picture to read an interesting article.....not sure how this effects anything, but Obama has proclaimed that his executive experience comes from running a campaign......this reporter isn't terribly fond of Obama's "executive experience"--citing examples of chaos, improvisation, and mistreatment.

1 Comment:

  1. Glum said...
    That is a very interesting article. Specifically in relation to the organization and authority delegation. As a potential president, the man woudl have to learn basic information and authority delegating techniques. It seems very apparent that he has very little ability to do either. I know that if I didn't have the ability to delegate to any one of my 160 employees, I would have a serious nightmare on my hands. Not even so much is the fact that it is important to do that, but the fact that if even his own campaign staff and senior advisors aren't aware of the basic information, what does that tell us about the way he would treat the American people?

    It is frightening to know that Obama is in the lead right now and that he is so very close to running ht emost influential and powerful country in the world. I am scared to my core.

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