1. Josh said...
    Holy rednecks Batman! We're all doomed!
    James said...
    She voted for Hillary dude........well, if you can believe a drunk psychopath.
    Josh said...
    Yup. Now she's voting for McCain. What does that say about her judgment?
    Josh said...
    Hey I posted this earlier and I didn't get any responses. Just curious what you guys think.

    So I want to know, why is it that some people make a point of not calling him by his first name and, instead, call him by his middle name, Hussein? The name doesn't bother me. Personally, I think it says more about the person saying it than it about Obama. Like they are trying to scare me with the threat of Islam or something.


    Do they think it is important that his middle name is Hussein? Are they worried people don't know what his middle name is? Are they afraid of that kind of name or think other people should be? Are they afraid of people with dark skin? Do they have something against a kick-butt name like Barack? What's the deal with that?
    James said...
    You didn't get a response because it's a lame concern. I don't care.......why do people make a point about changing McCain's name to McLame, McCan't, McInsane.............obviously because they hate him.

    It's just a quick way to show your disdain for Barack......you know, by calling him a terroristy name. I don't do it.....mostly cause I don't care. I never tire of calling him the antichrist though.
    Josh said...
    Right. The lady in the video was calling him 'Hussein' is because she hates him. I think you can see the racist nature of that attack.

    I gleefully call McCain delightful things like 'McGrumpy' or 'McWarmonger' to make a sarcastic point. Such as he's grumpy or he's a war-monger.

    What sarcastic things are people saying when they call him Hussein? Are they making jokes about his race? Really, I want to know why people do this.

    Make fun of him all you want. Just leave race out of it. After one of McCain's stoogies railed on 'Hussein Obama' McCain had the decency to apologize.


    He's had to do the same thing on at least one other occasion.

    Let's not be afraid to call it for what it is. It's racist. Even if it is said sarcastically, it's still racism. The idea that we should be afraid of someone or not vote for them because their middle name sounds middle-eastern is, quite simply, racist.
    James said...
    Oh Brother..........blame Saddam for Barack having a crappy name.

    If it was John Hitler McCain, what do you think people would be calling him? Or what if it was Elmer, Herman, Frankenstein, or Jennifer? Get over it.

    Again, lame concern.....I like the dramaticized racist claim though. Not really.
    Josh said...
    Isn't it funny how we agree to disagree more often than we agree? What's wrong with us?
    James said...
    I think it's funny that we love eachother despite ourselves. At least we're not fairweather friends...to me, it feels like we're brothers.
    James said...
    Sorry for the dose of cheese....I'm not even drunk.

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