One of the biggest reasons that Mitt will have a hard time at his run for prez is that the Republicans have already religionized their party in favor of the Evangelicals who are, as we know, no fans of Mormonism. Two words- Southern baptists. Enough said.

This poll shows that the majority of Evangelicals would not vote for a Mormon in a presidential race. Why does this matter? Because without the Evangelical vote, the Republicans don't have a chance in '08. (See! I told you all this mixing of religion and politics would come back to bite the conservatives in the keister!)

In order for Mitt to even have a chance, he has had to try and distance himself from his moderate past and make himself more of a picture of conservatism, even to the point of supporting torture.

Now he is distancing himself from the moderate voters who elected him Governor in the most liberal state in the nation. Was his religion a question then? No. Will it be for the conservative christians and their Biblical Jesus? Yup. Reid has risen to the tops of the Democratic leadership with no whining about his religion, in fact I think it makes him more appealing because Democrats are looking for moral stability in their own party. I think Mitt would have had a chance if he would have stuck to his moderate roots or if he were a liberal. But now, I'm afraid he will be looked at as a goofball by the Dems and as an unacceptable choice by conservatives, no matter how hard he tries to remake himself in the image of the great God of conservatism.

I think a Mormon would have a great shot at being president if he were a Democrat. There is a great appeal for moderate conservatives who would find a lot in common with his conservative background and for Democrats, well we all know they need some moral direction. That's the great thing about the Democratic part, they are accepting of ALL people, not just rich, white Evangelical Christians. (Low blow! Just kidding!). Seriously, the Mormon thing will be a huge issue, no matter how much we would like to think we live in an enlightened society- there are still millions of idiots out there. Like this guy.

I have no doubts Mitt was a wonderful Bishop and a fantastic Stake Pres. I bet he does his home teaching even in October AND December. But, in a system where you have to remake yourself to fit into the mold of the party, and that party is pinning it's hopes on the conservative Christians- he doesn't stand a snowballs chance in Texas.

As for his 'conversion' to pro-life, as you called it James, all I have to say is that I think that is a particularly interesting choice of words. I, for one, try not to confuse religion and politics. I didn't work particularly well for the Church of England and I think it isn't going so great for the conservatives. When we start thinking about converting ourselves or others to our way of thinking in politics we are going down the wrong road.

"Hi, we are personal representatives of President George Bush. We would love to tell you, and your family, about his plan for us."


  1. James said...
    The evangelicals will be a stumbling block in the primary elections.........but when it comes to a Mormon vs. a Dem......they will suck it up for the good of the nation.
    James said...
    I prefer convert over "flip-flopper."
    James said...
    He'd not have a chance with me if he was a democrat.
    James said...
    The Republican party is not pinning! It is regrouping!

    Notice how friendly the campaign on the Right is doing as opposed to Hillary and Obama. Well, minus the nuts like Brownback, Huckabee, and what's his know, the anti-war guy.

    The Republican party will regain control......soon. Democrats are all talk and no action. Americans don't want to become a welfare state like some French imitation or something. Americans will tire of all the negative energy from the Dems. I digress.......but in no way are we pinning.
    James said...
    I don't like the political cartoon. That "It's not like I live there" is a product of Bostonian media that is so biased against Romney, it's not even funny.

    Here's some bogus stories from the Globe......just scratchin' the surface:

    Romney seeking apostle's support

    Romney announcement at anti-semitic museum

    Romney has illegals toil for him

    Romney is a flip-flopper

    Romney bashes people of Massachusetts

    I'll fart a brick the day the Globe has a fair and balanced article on Romney.....I'd hate to have a reason to stop hating them.
    James said...
    Romney definately has a chance with the evangelicals. They are anti-McCain and anti-Guiliani....they'll have to pick whoever they believe is the lesser of the evils. You know, the majority of republicans are NOT evangelicals. There is a refreshing blog: Evangelicals for Mitt that I frequent.
    James said...
    You're right. I hate Reid......I almost blew chunks seeing his name and moral blah blah in the same sentence.
    James said...
    Oh,I know--I should have said "Change of Heart".......but wait--that means conversion......ahhgh
    James said...
    If I was democrat, I would hope and pray Romney wins the primary.....'cause if Giuliani wins--it's over for the Dems. Personally, I think it will be Rudy with Mitt as his running mate....the 2 of those would take a lot of liberal states and have the undying support of the south and midwest......because even Evangelicals wouldn't stoop down low enough to vote for a nasty liberal.
    James said...
    That said, as a Republican, I really hope McCain doesn't win the primary elections. His crustiness will wear down the voters. Personally, I like McCain--not just because he's Irish, but because he doesn't seem trapped by lobbyists as much as the norm.
    Glum said...
    Stick to his moderate roots? Who is more moderate or conservative than Mit? You are %100 correct in that the dems are looking for some moral surpatude of their own. The only thing is, they won't find it. Obama and Hillary have more skeletons in their closet then Rocky Point. If Harry Reid is an example of moral stability, the dems are really screwed. When did Mit actually whine about his religion? If I recall correctly, it is everyone else whining about his religion. Yes, I must concur that the mormon nemesis is the southern baptists. But if it is down to Mit and Hillary, the answer will be Mit. Hillary, even with her Arkansas roots, doens't have the political capital to justify their support.

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