Word from Romney

1 Comment:

  1. Glum said...
    I am so freaked out right now, I don't even know what to think. Don't get me wrong, I believe in America and know her strength lies in her people. But it looks like that our President thinks her strength is in her government. Fundamentally the complete opposite of what our founding fathers intended.

    Obama has been and will continue to be wrong in his presentation of an "economic recovery." Just the fact that government spending will spur the economy is contradictory to a capitalist system. At least Pres. Bush put some money in our pockets along with and not excluding tax cuts. I don't know about you, but the extra $13 a week from this "stimulus package" sure has me excited. Not.

    CPAC over the weekend was very timely. Rush had some great things to say and hopefully energized the base, if there is any base to excite. I hope there were some things from that conference that will ignite some additional thought and action.

    We have a lot at stake and a way of life in jeopardy if we don't stop Obama in his tracks.

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