Excerpts taken from
"McCain blasts Obama"

"In a fiery speech Thursday night before House Democrats, Obama rejected the GOP’s characterization that the stimulus package was merely another spending bill. 'What do you think a stimulus is? That’s the whole point. No, seriously, that’s the point,' Obama said at the retreat in Williamsburg, Va. ..............

"On Friday morning, McCain fought back. 'The whole point, Mr. President, is to enact tax cuts and spending measures that truly stimulate the economy,' McCain said. 'There are billions and tens of billions of dollars in this bill which will have no effect within three, four, five or more years, or ever. Or ever.' .............

"'Here’s the point I’m making. This package is not going to be absolutely perfect, and you can nit and you can pick,' Obama said Thursday. 'That’s the game we all play here. What I’m saying is we can’t afford to play that game. We’ve got to pull together.' ...........

"But McCain targeted an array of programs that he said were not needed in an emergency economic recovery package. '$50 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts — all of us are for the arts,' McCain said. 'Tell me how that creates any significant number of jobs? After-school snack program is probably a good idea. Do we really want to spend $726 million on it?'...........

"McCain rejected that strategy and said Democrats should not call the measure 'bipartisan' if only a handful of Republicans support it. 'You can call it an agreement, but you cannot call it a bipartisan agreement,' McCain said."


  1. James said...
    I'm not happy with the Republicans who voted for this bill.

    We need a new bill, a compromise isn't going to cut it.

    It's like being given a bowl of $&!# and thinking that if you remove a couple of spoonfuls, it's no longer a bowl of $&!#...........

    Sometimes a compromise is not enough.
    Glum said...
    I think it is high time for us to call out the wuss Republicans and publically flog them. Voting for this bill is as chicken liver as I have ever seen.

    Staff, it is time to head to D.C. You and me brotha!
    James said...
    Okay, so I guess they'll vote on Tuesday.........it was just a compromise that was sorta kinda worked out on Friday. Kind of confusing actually.
    James said...
    I might head to Washington to protest something someday.......could be fun.

    I'm too radical (a secessionist depending on the day), ignorant on economics, and have too many media-bait family connections to consider anything beyond city council someday.

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