We need to reclaim the Republican Party as the Party for fiscal responsibility. 40% of the new Omnibus spending bill (pure pork) will go to Republicans.
We need to hold our leaders responsible. Republican leaders have no place criticizing the stimulus plan if we can't lay off the earmarks.
Here comes socialism.
"McCain blasts Obama"
"In a fiery speech Thursday night before House Democrats, Obama rejected the GOP’s characterization that the stimulus package was merely another spending bill. 'What do you think a stimulus is? That’s the whole point. No, seriously, that’s the point,' Obama said at the retreat in Williamsburg, Va. ..............
"On Friday morning, McCain fought back. 'The whole point, Mr. President, is to enact tax cuts and spending measures that truly stimulate the economy,' McCain said. 'There are billions and tens of billions of dollars in this bill which will have no effect within three, four, five or more years, or ever. Or ever.' .............
"'Here’s the point I’m making. This package is not going to be absolutely perfect, and you can nit and you can pick,' Obama said Thursday. 'That’s the game we all play here. What I’m saying is we can’t afford to play that game. We’ve got to pull together.' ...........
"But McCain targeted an array of programs that he said were not needed in an emergency economic recovery package. '$50 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts — all of us are for the arts,' McCain said. 'Tell me how that creates any significant number of jobs? After-school snack program is probably a good idea. Do we really want to spend $726 million on it?'...........
"McCain rejected that strategy and said Democrats should not call the measure 'bipartisan' if only a handful of Republicans support it. 'You can call it an agreement, but you cannot call it a bipartisan agreement,' McCain said."
I'm a fan of Rush.
What caused this? The only time I ever listened to Rush was when he practically endorsed Romney. That would be one talk show.
I kept hearing from everybody....don't listen to Rush. He's poison, full of crap, and bad for the country. I believed them.
But then Obama himself goes on a crusade to silence him or have us turn our radios off. My curiosity was peaked. I listened and was at first ashamed. How can I believe what Rush is spouting? Isn't he stupid? Does that make me stupid?
I found myself agreeing with his hopes that Obama doesn't succeed as far as liberal policies go. That would mean Gitmo closure, instability in Iraq, the porkulus bill passing, and other things that I believe aren't good for our country.
But I also want Obama to succeed. I don't look forward to the Great Depression part II and I don't look forward to another terrorist attack. Obama will have my hopes and prayers over the next four years, but Obama's pleas for us to forget what we believe in order to "get things done" doesn't fly with me.
I'm almost proud to be a Republican again.........it's kinda nice being an insurgent and hellraiser. When I start feeling that way, I know our party is doing something right.
Here's to Freedom of Speech!