Sorry I haven't been responding. I've been too busy attending the latest round of seminars at work about 'How To Overthrow America And Get A Socialist-Liberal-Muslim-Child-Eater Elected Using Hypnotism And Magic'. It just part of working at a newspaper, you have to keep current or the liberal conspiracy will just keep moving without you; leaving you behind in the dust.

Did you know that America didn't really land on the moon? It's true! That was just Hollywood. Also, aliens are recording you right now and killing hapless cows every night. LBJ ordered JFK's assassination, Bush planned 9/11, Masons run the world, Paul McCartney is dead, Elvis is alive, the Holocaust never happened and I, of course, am a just a figment of your imagination.

There's a reason they're called conspiracies. It's because they are stupid ideas that defy reason and appeal to people who are too convoluted to accept reality or too stubborn to admit that they are wrong.

I'm going to post two videos and I want you to ask yourself: If I were a news organization, what would I want to show my viewers? First McCain:

He's meeting with 5 people in a grocery store and it only gets interesting when someone spills the applesauce. As Jon Stewart said, "Campaign clean-up in aisle 5!"

Here's what Barack Obama was doing (I know you won't watch the whole video but give it a few seconds to get what's going on):

No applesauce. Only 200,000 Germans waving, get this, AMERICAN FLAGS! When is the last time anyone in Germany waved an American flag? Dang, he even gets the Europeans to be patriotic!

So what would you choose? Spilled applesauce or 200,000 Europeans who are starting to remember how dang great this country is. It's a simple question of what people in this country are wanting to see on television. Obama is interesting; McCain is moldy cheese.

Two people are standing on the street waiting for a bus during a drenching storm. One person looks up and knows that the whole universe is conspiring against him: God, nature and all of humanity are out to him utterly and completely miserable.

The other guy looks up and sees a rainstorm and kicks himself for not bringing an umbrella.

So, it's raining on you. Who do you blame?

1 Comment:

  1. Glum said...
    Excuse my outrageous and quite belligerent laughter, but I am still amazed at how the left continues to idolize and fabricate this guy. There is nothing he has generated that is even remotely close to authentic. Having lived amongst the Germans and seen the heights they promoted David Hasselhoff to, it is no surprise they liked B. Hussein Obama. The Germans don't really even know what real democracy is. I will give you though that they could relate to what he stood for. Socialism at it's best.

    Please excuse my abruptness in this response, my patience is just completely spent with a guy whose fabrication reaches new frontiers, whose character isn't deeper than an onion root, and who thinks 3 month waiting periods for an x ray are the solutions to a broken country. Allegedly.

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