I would fear for the future of America at this time but I know that there is no way on earth Huckleberry could win a popular vote. Republicans are doing themselves a world of hurt by standing behind a guy who is going to get run over by anyone the democrats put up. That's right, tonight democrats are celebrating because
1. Obama took the lead (Edwards beat Hillary? Now that is poetic!)
2. Republicans chose a nutcase.

Interestingly, I've seen reports that up to 60% of delegates at the Republican caucuses considered themselves evangelical (I told you this good vs. evil crap would bite the republicans in the can). I guess EvangelicalsforMitt has a LOT of work to do.

Also, take a look at the age demographics for caucus goers. Dems pulled in large numbers and a shockingly large number of the elusive 18-30 year olds (Obama specifically).

My apologies for all you Romney fans, but at least you can't tell me I didn't warn you. Americans, while citizens of the greatest country on the planet, can be a bunch of bonafide idiots. It's sad when Chuck Norris ends up having more pull than a candidate with real political viability. I really wanted Mitt to take the republican tide, but it didn't happen. Let us all hope that this isn't a death knell for his campaign and that people in other states have a bit more sense than those in Iowa.
And if they don't, you can always vote for Ron Paul.


  1. Josh said...
    Over 200,000 delegates showed up to caucus for the Democrats. Thats almost double the amount from 2004 session. Wow! I guess Bush was right after all, he really has brought people together. The Democrats, anyway.
    Josh said...
    Oh yea, read the story here

    James said...
    Big day for the Dems.....no doubt about it.

    I like how the Dems are uniting. The Republicans are definately dividing.....that's what happens when you have Evangelicals vs. everybody else. All of the sudden Thompson, McCain, and even Ron Paul are more palatable.

    I could vote for Ron Paul. Thank goodness Gulf War II is a declared war though......he'd pull our troops out before stabilization is met. Sometimes I appreciate his Monroe Doctrine though (let the unappreciative world live without us for a while......it's like the pride cylce in the Book of Mormon). I really like how he'd give the U.N. the bird.

    That said, hope is far from lost regarding the Romney campaign. There's a silver lining to this loss that I'll have to post about.

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