Epic Turnout for Dems

"We Are Out of Ballots"

This means a lot of Independants went to vote for Obama. This is GREAT!............the less independants available for McCain, the better for Romney.

I am not a fan of Obama.....not at all, but it's interesting how he is making Americans happy to be Americans again....................is my opinion of him improving? Probably, it's been a while since I've seen so many people inspired........and that's where the power of our nation comes from--THE PEOPLE. It makes me feel better about a future leader, however flawed, if he empowers the people. This is a fundamental belief in the Republican party--to stop growth of the federal government and to empower local governments........Bush hasn't done that, Romney would, and that's where Obama's message is leading despite the Democrat's love for Big Brother. I just pray all these people full of "hope" do not blindly fall for government expansion.


  1. James said...
    I am really bummed...........can you imagine a general election with Clinton vs. McCain.....there'd be no winners!

    I hate to say it, but I may not even vote in the general elections.......it might be too hard to stomach. I know, some people say if you don't vote, you can't complain.......well, I might have to play the military card-- as long as I wear an army uniform, I can say whatever the heck I want
    (venting aside, I'd vote for McCain--grudgingly perhaps).

    You know, before I get too crazy and apocalyptic, there's still 47 states to go =).

    I think Obama's fans got overconfident and thought their vote would be more useful for McCain. Just a theory, but McCain's strength is definately with Independants......they oddly didn't show up for Obama.....

    Am I so biased that I fail to see how the other Republicans are better options than Mitt?
    Josh said...
    I agree with you James. I have hoped for an Obama v Romney run but a McCain v Clinton would be horrendous. It would be 9 months of absolute boredom. Blue-Ribbon cronyism.

    I love that McCain has been selling himself as 'Change' (a page he took from Obama's book). It's true though. With how often he changes his mind he'd be a completely different president every month.

    Tonight though, I'm loving the numbers in the lower ranks of the republicans. Huckleberry got slammed with only 11% (I have faith in America again, if only for a little while). And Giuliani squeeked in with a whopping 1% point above Paul.

    I guess his campaign platform of the Grand Poobah of 9/11 just didn't get people that excited about the guy. Here's my favorite recent quote from him. When asked if he was worried about the results in Iowa he responded:

    ‘None of this worries me - Sept. 11, there were times I was worried,’ Giuliani said.
    -New York Daily News

    His campaign is really pitiful. Just search for Giuliani and 9/11 in google news and you can see how he has tried to turn our nations greatest tragedy into a campaign event.

    I can sum up his whole approach to becoming president. All he needs a t-shirt that says "I survived 9/11 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. Vote Giuliani."
    Josh said...
    I'm sure you've seen this but I thought it would cheer you up a bit.

    Two second place finishes and one un-influential state have added up to give your boy Romney the highest amount of delegates thus far (on the Republican side).

    See Cnn's cool little chart thingy here.


    Fear not, we may still have our Obama v Romney election after all.

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