Feel Lied To.......

I'm still willing to believe in global warming, but not until we have further proof.

I believe that we have to respect our planet and reduce pollution, but I don't appreciate the false facts I've been given.

--Antartica's ice is actually growing, despite LOCAL reductions in ice (the famous peninsula)
--Iceland's glaciers are growing
--Greenland's reduction in ice are consistent with cyclic events recorded in the layered ice.
--Rural areas across the board are showing consistent average temperatures over the past 150 years.
--There seems to be a LOCAL warming effect of metropolitan areas (explanations have included heat-emitting huge cement buildings, people, exhaust....etc).
--As CO2 and heat increase, plants are happy and grow helping to offset carbon gases.

I now believe that global warming is used for political purposes. Fear is a powerful vehicle for policies to be made (see Patriot Act).

Let's focus on things we know for a fact are hurting our environment:

--Over-fertilization of our crops (algae/protozoan tides--kills fish, not good)
--Burning coal for electricity (acid rain, radioactive waste....yes the black leftover crap is radioactive and we use it to pave our roads).
--You get the idea

I am all for getting us off of oil, but that doesn't have to cripple our economy. I'm anxiously awaiting a government that believes innovation can actually boost our economy.

I love nuclear power, that would solve so much by preserving natural resources and reducing pollution. After visiting Palm Springs, I can never support use of Wind--extremely inefficient as it takes up miles and miles of land and is worthless when there's no wind. I dislike large-scale solar power as well--right now, you'd basically have to cover the state of New Mexico to light up Las Vegas (how is that being considerate to the environment?).

1 Comment:

  1. Glum said...
    I hear ya Staff. I loved when the British reporter asked Al Gore to explain the 9 major mistakes in his movie. He went further to even say the British high judge ruled it wasn't appropriate to show in the schools because of the major inaccuracies. Then when Gore wouldn't give him a straight answer and the journalist persisted, they cut off his microphone.

    The hypocrisy is maddening. I also feel extremely lied to. There is no sense of honesty left in this country. Intellectual, moral, or just plain common honesty are all very difficult to come by right now. When you run for President, make me a Czar and we will dominate this country! :)
    Seriously, you would be a good person for public office with your military service and awesome ideas. Something to consider...

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