
Barack/Biden vs. McCain/Palin.

I relinquish my obligation to vote in November. God help us. Thomas S. Monson is going to be my American leader for the next 4 years.

Mitt Romney--2012!


  1. Josh said...
    Somewhere, right now, Mitt is feeling used and bitter. And he should, he was strung along and I don't think McCain could care less.

    Palin: The second coming of Spiro Agnew.

    Only prettier.
    James said...
    I guess I have to vote....... can't forget about local leaders. I'm writing in somebody for president though.

    I have a friend running for State Representative, so that's something to be excited for.

    McCain is just trying to pick up Hillary's scraps. I don't know if Palin will have the effects he wants though. Does she beef up his economic credibility? Will she help him with Michigan? Will she spike his fundraising numbers? Will she be able to debate Biden? I just don't get it?

    I do think it's hypocritical that Obama is attacking her lack of experience; her time as a small-town mayor is more executive experience than Obama has. He would do himself a favor having other people do the attacking for him in that regard.
    Josh said...
    Wait a second. It's hypocritical of Obama to critique her lack of experience? How backwards is that?

    No it's not. The McCain camp has been railing on Obama for months because, as they claimed, he lacked the requisite experience to be president.

    Then they have the gall to choose someone whose crowning executive achievement was not building a bridge.

    It just shows that the McCain camp will not live up to the standards it holds other up to. They will do anything, at any time, if it is politically efficacious. Logic and accountability are apparently not part of their process.

    Barack has the right to ask the same question that has been thrown in his face, no matter how unjustly. They asked it first and now they have to answer for it. He has the right to expect that others have the same standards for themselves that they have for their opponents. They do not, in this case, and someone should point it out.

    I cannot wait for the VP debates. It should prove memorable.
    James said...
    Yeah, it's hypocritical on both sides. But it's sad that Obama has less executive experience than McCain's VP pick. It really didn't make sense that Obama would open his yapper....if he had more experience, then McCain would be a total jerk for holding Obama to a higher standard; but then again, what is terribly wrong with holding a probable POTUS to a higher standard than VP? I guess McCain could feasibly croak..... I'm still debating this with myself.

    Biden will eat her apart in the debates.........but I guarantee he will be looked upon as an arrogant bully. We live in a society where men are expected to be polite to women.
    Josh said...
    Less experience? That is a very questionable statement. In regards to a woman who said "what is it exactly that the VP does every day?" When asked about McCain's favorite surge, she said, "I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place..." It also appears she has a hard time separating her personal life from her professional career. Not great experience.

    Sure, she has 1.5 years experience as a Governor. That must count for something. But the McCain camps choice made this whole 'experience' issue null and void. Beyond stealing some thunder from the DNC convention I fail to see any real wisdom in this choice.

    What on earth was he thinking?

    But you are right, James. Barack should get someone else to do his glove-off fighting for him. Like Biden. I appreciate when he stays out of the mudslinging. Unlike McCain, who apparently likes mud-wrestling.

    Biden could tear her apart in the debates, or she could surprise us. Maybe. But if she does tank it, I don't want to hear any whining. If you can't take the pressure of politics, go back to playing hockey.
    James said...
    I don't think you listened to her "dissing" the VP. A VP basically does whatever the president chooses to delegate.....which rarely amounts to anything of importance. She said that for her to accept the offer, she would have to be given the opportunity to make a difference.

    Her view on Iraq, actually, is more in line with Bush than McCain. There is now a withdrawal timetable and exit strategy being put in place. Probably made availabe because of the surge. Wish Obama would recognize the success of the military.....I can't imagine what it would look like in Iraq if the Dems had their way and we had pulled out prematurely.

    Uhhhh......Barack has stayed out of mudslinging??????

    I got a kick out of visiting the "Women for Hillary" least for that crew, seems like the Palin choice suits them fine.

    McCain has done a great job painting Obama as an arrogant chosen vessel of the Lord. I seriously can't look at Obama anymore without seeing someone so full of himself. Perhaps I've been brainwashed, I honestly couldn't tell you....but the feelings of disdain are so visceral. This guy really thinks he is God's gift to man.

    How is it that McCain is even competitive in this race? I can't believe the polls are almost dead even.......Zogby had McCain ahead by 2 points. Other polls show Obama ahead (Barack was ahead by 8 points in one that I saw).

    I think it's because he (Obama)doesn't have a plan for our energy crisis. I can't believe that Republicans are owning the agenda for off-shore drilling, nuclear power plants, and alternate fuels. The Dems, through their lethargic response, have given the Republicans a perfect platform to base their campaigns.
    Josh said...
    I think McCain's painting Obama as 'The Chosen One' is about as truthful as Bush's characterization of McCain back in 2000 as a Manchurian Candidate with an adopted love child .

    It's simple. Barack can fill a stadium with 80,000 people. McCain struggles to get people to listen. He could never admit that Obama reaches people, so you take an asset and turn it into a liability.

    Aside from my own biases, Barack Obama has energized voters in a way that has not been seen in this country for decades, if ever. McCain wants you to think that's a bad thing. Maybe I'm drinking the kool-aid too. But isn't that what politics is about: Fooling the majority of people?

    If people are lining up behind Barack, it's not because they think he is some sort of messianic figure, nor does he. It's because he says things they can believe in. He's someone people can trust, maybe because he doesn't have the 'experience' most presidential candidates do. He seems a little bit more like the rest of us.

    He could turn out to be full of hot air. Time will tell. But, for now, I really think that something special is happening. I might be idealist or confused. But for now, I just hope (not without some serious doubts, mind you) that he can bring the changes he promises.

    If he doesn't, I might become a permanent political cynic. And I'll be the first to call him on it. If you make promises as big as he does, you better deliver or history will never forgive you.
    James said...
    Are they lining up for Barack or for Bon Jovi, Bruce Springstein, Sheryl Crow, Oprah.......etc?

    Yeah, he's gotten a lot of people excited...but he's still on the wrong side of most issues.

    I'm ending my dental career early if he makes healthcare universal; perhaps it'll give me more incentive to stay with the Army, though.

    Money is a huge incentive for people to go through 8-12 miserable years of college. With universal healthcare, you're not going to have the same competition and you'll end up with more lousy health practitioners. I can testify that with affirmative action, we already do.

    Every enterprise the governement takes over turns to crap........example: public education. Are good teachers rewarded?....Sure, the same as bad ones.

    I can't understand how Obama has any support....the man is against nuclear power. Are Americans so stupid not to see the benefit of nuclear power? I'm serious, how much longer are we going to be burning coal in this country?

    I'm so grateful for the recent military success in Iraq--it's conceivable we'll be out of Baghdad by next summer. I wonder if Biden still wishes that we would have split the country up?

    I ask people why they are voting for Obama.....NOT ONE has said anything regarding his beliefs, policy, or promises. This annoys me. I swear there would be more Republicans if being Democrat wasn't the "cool" thing to do.
    Josh said...
    Then let me be the first. I will vote for Barack Obama because his policy approach is in line with mine. I will vote for him because I value judgment and wisdom over cronyism and stale politics. I agree with his platform and I believe he will be an excellent president.
    James said...
    So Josh,
    just to get this straight:

    --you're for universal healthcare
    --you don't support nuclear power
    --you don't support using our own oil
    --you're okay with income redistribution
    --partial birth abortions are okay with you
    --you think the surge was a mistake
    --you think keeping military action on the table regarding Iran is suitable (to prevent them from having nucs), but don't think we need to prepare for that hypothetical scenario

    I guess if your views are similar to what I wrote down.......good luck with Obama.

    I'm anxious to see how Mitt and Arnold's healthcare plans pan out in Mass. and I hope they have answers for our country.
    Josh said...
    You are loading the dice. Most of what you listed was either false (against nuclear power - uh, wrong) or misleading (don't support using your own oil).

    Let's take that same approach with McCain! You will be voting against
    for him (or against Obama - whatever) so does that mean that you:

    Support staying in Iraq for 100 years,

    Think that creationism should be taught in schools,

    Believe that life begins at conception, unless it's for research. But that's after you were pro-choice,

    Like to kill cute little fluffy polar bears,

    Want to line rich oil tycoons pockets with even more money while destroying the planet and killing the American economy and cute little fluffy polar bears,

    Claim, on national TV, that the war in Iraq would be 'easy' and then claim a few months later, on national tv, that people who thought this war would be 'easy' didn't know what they were talking about?

    Like to burn books?

    Think that Alaska should secede from the Union?

    Think that NO ONE should have an abortion in this country, even in instances of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is in peril?

    For the record:

    --you're for universal healthcare
    Misleading. But, yup.

    --you don't support nuclear power
    Wrong. I do, so does Obama.

    --you don't support using our own oil
    Too easy. Of course not.

    --you're okay with income redistribution
    Not sure what you're trying to say with that one. But I'll just go with: Yup. I'm a commie!

    --partial birth abortions are okay with you
    I support Roe V. Wade.

    --you think the surge was a mistake
    No. I think THE WHOLE DANG WAR was a mistake.

    --you think keeping military action on the table regarding Iran is suitable (to prevent them from having nucs), but don't think we need to prepare for that hypothetical scenario

    Dude, whatever. War stinks. In my mind McCain = another war.
    James said...
    Most Republicans don't believe creationism should be taught in schools.......McCain and Palin are among them. This was a tabloid rumor that terrified Matt Damon.

    America never totally leaves any area....we're still in Germany for cryin' out loud. Even if the only presence we have is in the land of the Kurds, hey that's pretty darn near Iran---you know that whole carry a big stick saying. There is a timetable for withdrawal right now, I believe it still needs approved by Iraqi elected officials. I'm glad we didn't have one before, but now that things are settling down, it is responsible to set goals to get our troops out of there.

    War does 9/11. Want another one?

    I think the best war on terror is to stop buying their oil......but I'll talk about this some more later.

    In a society where we prosecute murderers as our moral obligation...we need to overturn Roe vs. Wade. At least give states the power.

    If we are still dependant on oil, you better believe that I want to use our own....unlike you freakin' Dems wanting to fund terrorists all day. Let's get off foreign oil and get off it now! I don't care if I use vegetable oil, electricity, solar power, ethanol.....IT IS TIME TO BE ENERGY INDEPENDANT. We can begin this by using our own resources and giving the Middle East the bird. Saying that you don't want to use our own oil is the craziest thing I've heard from you thus far.

    I love nuclear power! Your candidate does not; he will not provide incentives for them being created.......he is a total sell-out because "nuclear waste" is a political word he doesn't want to be associated with. Don't kid yourself....unless he flipped.

    This is scary...Biden believes that life begins at conception but is a freakin' abortionist. WTF? I'm one of those guys who thinks abortion is murder and should be prosecuted as such. How can Dems be against the death penalty for true gruesome crimes, but pro abortion against the innocent. I will never understand. Why do we have laws at all? I guess it's 'cause everyone should be allowed to do whatever--that's just free agency and the way God intended it. Dems lose moral ground and all reason with this ageless argument. The stem cell research argument is fruitless......there is a compromise that everyone ignores--mainly that we can create stem cells--even mimic embryonic ones without conception.

    Josh, if you aren't have no place criticizing hunting. Fish and wildlife management is necessary. In places like Alaska, hunting actually provides a lot more than sport.....people actually eat the stuff they kill.

    I don't have to answer the book burning statement.....that's just stupid. Tabloid stuff again--I'm sure that's terrified Matt Damon as well.

    I believe in global does McCain by the way. The answer is finding alternative fuels. I'd rather pay our own oil tycoons than the Middle East's if that's what you are suggesting. 20% of Chevron's profit, for example, goes to developing alternate fuels. Palin has shown that she is among the Oil Tycoons' more prominent enemies.

    If you want universal healthcare, I want universal journalism. What?
    --You don't want to be limited on the best way to do your job?
    --You don't want your income controlled?
    --You don't want to lose your creative license?
    It's so easy for commies outside the medical field to make policies regarding healthcare.

    Let the states fix insurance, I say--I hope Mitt's plan works. Let's stop giving people free rides.......taxpayers fork out billions each year just to make up for the uninsured who get emergency treatment and never pay anything nor is it enforced.

    I wish Dems weren't so generous with my money. It's MINE. If you want to be generous--use your own. Do you give money to every beggar you see? No........why? Do think he'll use it on drugs? Do you think he'll use it wisely to help get him back on his feet? If you don't give to every beggar, why would you force me to?

    I believe every American should have health insurance. I think it is suitable to adjust rates based on income.

    I believe every American should have food on the table. I love food you know why? It's used for food....I know they aren't buying an Xbox with my hard earned money.

    I believe every welfare check should be earned (I'm flexible with disabled and single parents). We're going to pay them anyways, might as well have them do some kind of community service or something.

    I believe every American should be able to go to school. Personally, I think that option is already available, but we need to be more proactive in showing kids their options. When they finish high school, they don't know where to begin and registering and paying for school is intimidating.

    I think kids should be able to choose vocational school over high school if they are so inclined.

    I love school vouchers. I can't express how much. Parents can take a more active role in the education of their kids. Competition in public education will rise. Teachers will have incentives to be better.

    I've written enough....I have school work to do. But my reasons for not liking Obama run deep.

    Obama's going to lose. I'll tell you why. It isn't because he isn't admirable isn't even because of his policies or skin color. If he loses it is because he is guilty by association. Every endorsement he gets from rappers, Madonnas, Russell Brands, or far-left lunatics hurt him. Psychologically, I know I'll be voting for the wrong guy if I agree with Madonna. Many middle-class average Americans feel the same way. Obama has to somehow distance himself from these crazies--McCain is winning the batt of "I have normal America's support".
    Josh said...
    You missed the point. I didn't put those questions there because I think they were fair, I said them because they were silly and completely unfair. I know you(and many conservatives, McCain included) don't support creationism. I said that to illustrate how loaded your original policy points were and thought you would see them for the hoo-ha that they are.

    I think that's the problem. In today's society, we've moved so far from real issues that people are arguing about false caricatures, demented versions of the real issues.

    For example, you said:

    "War does 9/11. Want another one?"

    What kind of response should I take that as? Do you expect me to say "Oh yes, I love terrorism. That's why I am voting for B. Hussein Obama!) Are you implying that voting for Obama is voting for more terrorists attacks? I doubt even you would hold this to be true. Either candidate could take this election and either way the world will not end. It will keep spinning. Armageddon will not break out. But, somehow, we all become convinced that every election comes down to a simple choice of good and evil. We are all wrong on that account. I think this country is much to strong to let one person ruin it all.

    Reason plays such a small part of the election process these days. But lies, 'themes' and fear are what get people to vote. Like the recent McCain ad about Obama wanting to teach children sex ed before they can read. Outright lies designed to incite fear. These are not decent people and they have no problem lying to your face, repeatedly, to get you to vote for them. There is no sense of decency or honor. It is a travesty. McCain said he wanted to run an honorable campaign and I do not wonder that he can no longer tell people what honor means.

    I don't think you know what Obama's stance is on the issues. For example, he is and has been a supporter for expanding our use of nuclear energy for some time. Because of this Excelon, an energy provider that uses Nuclear power, has donated more to Obama than to any other candidate and is one of his largest contributors. The idea that he is against nuclear power, I fear, comes from articles or short soundbites you have heard that would lead you to believe otherwise. I might be wrong but the Obama you see is much different than the one I do. Perhaps that is the key. We're both looking at the same problem and coming up with different solutions. Oddly enough, I think we would agree more often than we think. For example:

    "The answer is finding alternative fuels." There isn't a Democrat on the planet who would disagree with you. But while the GOP chants "drill, baby, drill", I have to wonder how wise that is. Even the Bush administration has admitted that off-shore drilling will only alleviate cost by 3% in up to 10 years. That is not a solution. If you want that kind of change go buy an air pressure gauge. Barack Obama wants to spend $150 billion on alternative fuels over that same 10 year period. We both hate fossil fuels but I feel that dedicating money toward actual energy independence rather than stop-gap measures that serve the tycoons rather than the public. Drilling is like wetting yourself. It might feel good at first; nice, warm and relieving. But in the long run you've only made a much bigger problem. Addiction isn't changed by 'just one more time.' It's changed with real solutions.

    To see his energy plan, including increasing domestic use of nuclear power read his energy plan here:

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