Prop 8.......The Musical

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  1. James said...
    Prop 8 wasn't easy for me.

    Florida had a vote too--don't know if I want to say how I voted. Personally, I couldn't care less what people do with their own lives as long as it doesn't harm others (I'll get into how others can be harmed later). But the left is ignoring the real arguments. It is not about hate.

    I hear the Left cry Separation of Church and State all the time......Hmmm....isn't marriage a religious institution? Not just any institution, but a sacred one. Is the left content to interfere with religious matters?

    For me, if gays/lesbians are living together anyways, who freakin' cares if they're married.

    My ONLY concern is for the children. Marriages are designed to raise families, right? I'm not comfortable with gay couples adopting. At least not until my concerns for the mental, social, and psychological well-being of children in these scenarios are adequately addressed.

    Most adoption agencies, especially Catholic/LDS, are highly selective of prospective parents. There's a screening done to see if the adopted child will grow up in a healthy and secure environment. I appreciate how adopted children just don't go to any applicant.....would there be a breakdown in this selection process with the inclusion of gay families? Would the government interefere with religious rights again saying who LDS/Catholic adoption agencies need to give children to?

    I feel for the people who are called haters, while they are just trying to live what they believe. "Love the Sinner, but hate the sin" has been the theme of the prop 8 movement. Many parents are also concerned that public schools will play parent again in educating children about suitable family structures.

    I may not agree with all of the concerns the Right is expressing. I'm actually one of those who is becoming increasingly aware that some people are perhaps born gay. I'm eagerly awaiting for my church to address this issue more fully. I don't think we'll be able to deny God's children are sometimes born gay for much longer.
    Glum said...
    Oh my!

    Though I agree that Prop 8 has been extremely difficult for lots of people, the church has given direction on it. It is found in the The Family: A Proclamation to the World. "...solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children."

    I think this is all the clarity we really need. I have a hard time believing that there are going to be His children born as gay. It is contrary to everything the Lord has designed from the start of time until the end of time.

    Marriage is not just a religious issue. It is the basic unit in our society. As the atom is the buidling block of substance, so is the family the building block of our society. That isn't religious, that is fact.

    I agree that there is a potential for arguing that if any entity wants to interfere it could viewed as messing with seperation of church and state. However, it isn't just a religious institution so that would be a hard argument to make.

    For me, if gays/lesbians live together that is fine, they should not be allowed to marry....period. It is flat wrong. I know I am being very bold in this statement and will probably get some flack for it, but that is my opinion and how I see it.

    I don't believe I am being intolerant. Intolerance isn't defined as making a right and a wrong decision.

    The other major issue that can be implicated is that if Prop 8 didn't pass, there was the potential for teaching this gay marriage malarchy in the schools. Don't even get me started...
    James said...
    It wouldn't be the first time the church is wrong. That said, I believe we will be blessed for following the prophet/s regardless of our personal feelings.

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