The Peaceful Left

I'm disgusted.

1 Comment:

  1. James said...
    What are these idiots taught in school?
    Do they get their daily news from Jon Stewart?
    Do they actually believe they're advocates of peace?
    Are the two attacked Republicans going to press charges?

    This left movement is an epidemic of ignorance.

    Whether you are for or against the war, you should realize:

    Soldiers have good know, protecting your freedoms and existence.

    America isn't getting anything in return for the war in Iraq. We aren't gaining land, money, or oil. That should at least show these idiots our intentions. And it's not about you see oil prices going down any time soon?

    I'm sick of Christian "fundamentalists" being blamed for everything. Especially hearing it from these idiot-sheep and moronic lemmings. If they aren't fundamentalists of a sort, I am the idiot.

    If you can't tell, this video made me mad. I love protests, don't get me wrong...........I just can't stand the blind hate, hypocrasy, and immense ignorance.

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