We're at a crossroads. Do we live in the house that Reagan built, or do we find another place to live? I don't like the latter option all that much. Reagan coalesced social, economic, and foreign policy conservatives into one force. Huckabee and McCain say that the Reagan era is dead......if either gets elected, I believe them.

Huckabee is the epitomy of theocratic social conservatives gone wild.......they're the self-righteous wing of the party that think nothing is more critical than fighting gay marriage and abortion.........funny, in a world quickly embracing evil, those issues are at the forefront, when I can't even watch public television with my family.

McCain is a foreign policy conservative, but often an enigmatic one........"I'll follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell".......was he serious, or was that just stirring rhetoric. This is the same man who crusades against Guantanamo and dripping water down noses. Asked about our economy two weeks ago: "I don't know much about the economy". Asked about social issues two days ago: "I don't care about social issues".

My candidate is Mitt Romney, one who embraces Reagan-conservatism with all "three legs" of the "Republican stool". I will not be able to vote for Huckabee or McCain in the general election if either is the Republican nominee. It will mean only one thing, that the Republican party is broken. A vote for Romney can prevent that. (McCain will not have my support because of his dirty politics.....latest example: West Virginia. He just threw his supporters to Huckabee....why else would McCain do that if it wasn't a two man race? Huck is still in the race on McCain's call).

I know I'm supporting the right Republican candidate when I have Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, Hugh Hewitt, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Novak, Rich Lowry, Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Kathryn Jean Lopez, and Ann Coulter (can't believe I'm including her, but she deserves it......no one's been a stauncher ally the last few days) all fighting for Romney.

That's right.....Rush endorsed Romney: "Mitt Romney is our only choice". While the MSM and the Republican establishment is jumping on the McCain bandwagon, the conservatives are flocking to Romney. I don't listen to or read what most of them have to say, Rush included............it's just preaching to the choir for me, but I share my beliefs and philosophies with almost all of them.

Man, I hope tonight is a victory for the Republican party!


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