Stop the Bigotry!

Hey guys! I posted something I would usually save for this blog on my Florida for Mitt blog. I'm a little nervous about please give me some feedback! I must have reached a Mormon-intolerance threshold or something.


  1. Josh said...
    Well, I can tell you are ranting but I don't think you'll offend anyone. Except for the nutso priest guy but, really, that might just be fun.
    James said...
    yeah, usually I save ranting for our blog.....oh well, some people liked it--it was posted on "My Man Mitt" and "Planet Romney" today.....which is cool, but I wish they would share the wealth (literally thousands view their sites each day--they could have hyperlinked to my site instead of posting my entire article.......oh well, it's just that I'm trying to get established here).

    By the way, did you know that my site is the only florida for mitt site--the other one threw in the towel and just told all of their visitors that the site has moved to my project. I have to be honest, I wish it wasn't just my site though.........I've had plenty of people say they want to help, but no one has followed through yet =(.

    So, in many ways, I have much more fun when Derrick and I gang up on you Josh........uhm, that's a compliment.

    Well guys, I miss you--James
    Glum said...
    It doens't look like ranting to me. It looks like a rebuttal to the heinous anti-Mitt-Mormon-Republican-GOP-etc. people. Plus it is fun to gang up on Josh every once in while. Mainly because his debates are much better, so every once in a while I get a fair chance when James helps me. (That also is a compliment.)
    Josh said...
    You guys are just trying to schmooze me. You wouldn't think it was so funny if you saw how I weep myself to sleep after reading this blog.

    "Why! Why me!"

    (pitiful sobbing ensues)

    It's worth it. I miss you guys terribly and I can't think of a better way of keeping in touch.

    What did you think of the debate (I'm sure James is preparing his 'Mitt kicks heiny' post as we speak).

    Brownback sure is..... an interesting feller.

    And Paul? He came from way out in left field on the Iraq issue. I give him props for having a spine.

    Guiliani... Some good quotes, some not so good. I love his response on abortion, totally in concert with my feelings.

    But the highlight of the night was the lightning strike interruption of Rudy's abortion answer.

    That's going to be all over youtube.

    Mitt did well, but didn't live up to what I was hoping for. His Iraq response was particularly rambling.
    James said...
    I don't have cable, so I have to wait for the internet to give the scoop =(.

    Yep, Ron Paul does have a spine.......he might have the largest internet following as well (that includes the democrats). He's an interesting fellow......I actually felt bad for him when Rudy ripped him a new one in the 2nd debate. There's no chance he'll get elected, I'm glad of that, but I still respect him--I might even join the Republican Libertarian movement (Paul doesn't reflect all Libertarians in their stances on protecting America).

    I've watched all the highlights and I have a hard time picturing any of them, besides Romney, in the oval office. Romney is simply what I expect from a president.

    Josh, what did you think of Obama's debate a couple nights ago? I didn't expect anything spectacular.......I've always thought that he was built up by MSM, so far--he hasn't measured up to all the hype. He's the Democrat version of Fred Thompson. I thought Clinton presented herself the best at the debate.

    The things I hated the most about the Democrat-debate:

    Saying it was Bush's war. Since when, did we not go into wars as a nation? Isn't that why we have 3 branches of government?

    Saying that the war on terror is just something to put on bumper stickers. I'm sick and tired of Democrats ignoring the threat of terrorism.

    I thought Clinton saying that we are safer now kind of discredits all of her anti-war ramblings.

    I hate how biased the debates are. I didn't appreciate all of the soft-balls thrown at the Democrat-debate and the curve-balls thrown at the Republicans--I am so glad that Romney didn't swing at any of the bad pitches. He handled things about religion, flip-flopping, pandering votes, and hypothetical scenarios extremely well.
    Glum said...
    I also enjoyed the debate last night. Not as smooth as the two previous debates, however. Guliani always seems to be well prepared.
    Romney thinks extremely well on his feet. It is also obvious that he is well prepared.
    Paul, though he has a spine, doesn't really have a brain that connects to that spine.

    Quite frankly, I almost couldn't stomach the Democratic debate. It jsut seems as though most of the candidates were very transparent.

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